Dogsitting And A Gross Abuse Of Wifi

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Last year, I was dogsitting for my aunt. The dog is small, sweet, and a little skittish. I had work most of the week so I was just living in the house for the time being. It's a nice house; not big enough to feel empty if you're alone but not small enough to feel cramped. The only rooms I used were the kitchen, bathroom, living room, and the guest bedroom.

My last day of work this particular week was a double shift. I was excited because after this I had two days off! I planned on using them to introduce the dog to Ru Paul's Drag Race. I usually try to keep good spirits for a double shift because regardless of the time and annoying customers, extra money is always needed.

My old job was a barista and cashier. Mornings are always busy and nights are slow; on weekends, people are more concerned with coffee and breakfast than anything else we may have to offer. I was having a nice time, actually, because this day was turning out to be not as hectic as the previous ones that week (one even involving a small fire).

As the morning rush line was dwindling, the limited tables in the restaurant came into view and I started people watching. As I slowly scanned the customers eating bagels and reading the paper, my eyes met a man at a laptop. He had long, dirty hair and a bit of stubble. He stared at me with a little too much intensity. I wondered if he found my people watching rude, so I decided to clean and restock instead.

It didn't take long for a line to reform, so I returned to my register. Once again, after the line died down I could see the few tables in the front. The man was still there and he was still staring at me. Every now and then he would look at his computer and then back to me. It almost felt like he was looking right through me, or like he could see every part of me. It felt so uncomfortable that I went and cleaned in the back of restaurant, out of his sight.

After the next rush, I took my break and sat far away from the man. He was out of my sight, and I was out of his. When I came back from my break, the man was gone. My manager asked if I had interacted with him at all. I told her about him making eye contact with me, but that nothing else really happened. She told me that the man had been watching porn on his laptop and she had asked him to leave.

So that was weird enough. This man had been watching porn and staring at me. I really wish that this is where the story stopped.

Hours pass and the rest of the day was entirely normal, despite me and a few female coworkers feeling a slight edge. We were in the process of closing, which is actually a process I really enjoy (I'm one of those weirdos that likes to clean). We're well in, and I'm almost done with my assigned jobs when my manager comes up to me again. She informs me that the man had found his way back in the restaurant at some point, and she found him hiding in a back corner. She chased him out by threatening to call the police.

She knew that earlier in the day, he seemed to be paying attention to me. She said I could finish up whatever I wanted or needed to, but afterwards she strongly advised me to get home as soon as possible. She also offered to walk me to my car. I took both offers and quickly got my things together and clocked out.

My aunt's house was not far from work. It was a five minute drive at most, which was helpful because then I didn't feel crippling anxiety for much longer. I got in the house and after triple checking that I had locked every door, got into my pajamas. But unsurprisingly, I was not ready to sleep yet. Now was the time to introduce the dog to Ru Paul's Drag Race.

I went into the living room. The living room consists of a couch, two chairs, a TV, a window, and the front door. Unfortunately, the porch light was broken and the window had no curtains. That had me a little stressed. But I was willing to take that over the only other TV in the house, which was the one that exists in the scary basement. Facing the basement TV included having my back to a sliding glass door facing the very dark woods. No thanks.

I was setting up the TV when the dog started growling. I really didn't think much of it; as I said, the dog is skittish so he growls and barks all the time. I wasn't looking at him. I was muttering "shush, shush" and figuring out how to work the TV. The dog didn't stop and started to get louder so I finally put down the remote and turned to face the dog.

I froze.

The dog was barking at the window and there was an outline of a man at the window. The exact same build as the one at the restaurant. I screamed and luckily that was enough for the man to run away from the window.

I stood their frozen for awhile. The dog had calmed down but I hardly felt safe. So I went into the kitchen, grabbed a big knife and did what any responsible adult would do... called my mommy.

She did not advise calling the police (my mom never does) and instead came and spent the night with me. I told my aunt. I spent the rest of my time dog sitting clutching the knife anytime I slept or took a shower. My aunt also gave me permission to have one friend stay with me every night.

Nothing else ever happened. I never even saw the guy come into work again. A part of me wishes I knew who he was or where he went, or what he even wanted with me. I'm glad he was a coward and that all it took to scare him off was my scream and an extra small dog.

Let's not meet again, stalker porn guy. Who watches porn in a sandwich shop, anyway?!

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