He's Wanted By The Police

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A year ago i met a guy at a bar, he called himself Joy (ironic). I wasn't looking for anything serious and apparently neither was he. We got along great and started hooking up until things started to get weird. He began being more intimate, telling me about his life and specifically about his ex girlfriend that killed herself not even a year ago. I honestly felt bad for him and tried to confort him, telling him it wasn't his fault and else.

At some point, I don't really know when, we became exclusive. We weren't a proper couple but we decided not to sleep with anyone else... or so I thought. I found out he had been seeing other women and I was honestly pissed, for me honesty is a very important thing and he seemed to be toying around with me. I set my mind and ended it with him, to which he didn't seem to care.

Now I was kinda sad and angry at myself since I felt played with and "I should have known better", that didn't last long though, since he kept texting me like usual, asking me to hang out as normal. I told him I wasn't interested and that I honestly didn't want to waste my time anymore. Then things got creepy...

He accused me of seeing someone else, said I was dishonest and even called me names like 'slut' and else. I wouldn't have it. I told him he was mental and that he should stay away from me... he threatened to kill himself. At this point it was beyond clear to me that he was either on drugs or mentally unbalanced. Either way, and because I have a history with suicide, I was really triggered by that. The thought of someone I know dying and me not doing anything about it wouldn't let me sleep. Even if it was just blackmail.

So I text one of his friends and tell him to just check on him. A couple of days passed and he called me saying he was sorry, that it had been a rough couple of weeks for him and that he really wanted to see me at least just to talk. I naively accepted.

We decided to meet up at a bar we used to go and we mostly sat in silence. I was still kind of hurt and in no way I was planning to get back with him, I guess I just wanted to know he was ok. The few words we exchanged were to order our drinks and some fries, it was almost as if he was ignoring me and I got tired pretty quick. I finished my beer, left my part of the money on the table and told him to have a good life.

As I was leaving even more pissed than before, I heard someone running behind me, tired I turned to face someone who was probably him and felt a cold shiver down my spine when I saw the look on his face. It was honestly like he was possessed. He caught up to me and shove me to the wall with his hand on my throat.

"You're not going to leave me like that!" he yelled squeezing his hand.

Now, never in my life had I been in a situation like this before so the fear paralysed me, but bless the waiter who ran after this maniac because he didn't pay off the rest of the bill. I guess he had some experience with troublemakers because in a few seconds he had him locked down under his arm. I rested against the wall crying and coughing while the waiter called for help. I thanked him but left for home immediately.

I only told my best friend what had happened and my fear turned to anger. I wanted to rip that guy apart, but I'm smarter than that. I'm 160 cm and I didn't exercise in any way, if someone was going to be ripped apart it was me. So i let it pass, under the condition that if he contacted me again I would find the way to end him. He never contacted me again.

Why am I telling this story now? Well about 2 months ago I saw him, not in person, but on TV. He's being accused of the murders of 3 girls who (according to the investigation) where his girlfriends at the time. He's being classified as a serial killer and the year he was 'inactive' between the last kill and the second-to-last was the year we went out.

Why didn't I report it to the police? I tried. However the told me I was useless since I hadn't seen him in years.

I'm not afraid anymore, but I'm sad. I'm sad thousands of women (specially in my country) get killed every year and very few people take the time to find the responsible.

Dear Joy, I'm not the insecure weak girl I was back then so, for your sake, let's not meet again... or I'll make justice myself.

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