Creepy Food Delivery Guy From My Childhood

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When I was a kid, there was company in my neighborhood that would drive around door to door and sell frozen meals and meat for relatively inexpensive prices. Given the fact that my neighborhood was preoccupied by parents with young children and the elderly, this service was quite popular, and my busy mom was just as much of a fan as the rest of the cul de sac. A few alternating people generally circled around weekly, and I remember them decently well, since my twin sister and I were very friendly and rushed to the door any time there was a "visitor." There was a very straightforward but kind woman who just wanted to get her job done, a sweet young man who adored our terrier and a man roughly in his 40's who was generally very outgoing and talkative. Perhaps stereotypically so based on his demographic, this story is centered on the last person.

I don't recall this guy's name nor does it matter for the sake of this story, so I'll just call him CDG, or "creepy delivery guy." Like I previously stated, CDG was a friendly guy and outwardly quite normal. A clean shaven, articulate guy who loved to talk about his daughter for minutes on end, who was about my age. He talked to my sister and I plenty while at the door about her. Even so, my mom still got a weird feeling from him, but dismissed them solely because he hadn't done anything to warrant concern. After a few rounds in our neighborhood, he asked my mother if he could use the restroom in a polite manner because his shift had been quite long. She hesitantly agreed and he thanked her, then returned after an abnormally long time and gave us our order.

After this, the shifts no longer alternated and it was just CDG who delivered in our neighborhood. He requested to use the restroom every single time he delivered, and eventually didn't even bother explaining. Allow me to restate that he took an unusually long time in the bathroom. For my mom, the feelings of discomfort were intensifying, but she was much too polite. The turning point, however, was when, while in our kitchen, CDG described to our mother how his daughter had gotten an infection in her vagina because she hadn't wiped properly after pooping and had wiped back to front. He turned towards us and smiled wide, though still talking to my mom and requested that he could show my sister and I how to wipe properly so it didn't happen to us.

My mom said no. What a shock. After that, she didn't answer the door when he came around, and whenever we saw him driving the truck in the neighborhood, CDG would glare at us.

We later discovered through word of mouth that he was unmarried and didn't have any children.

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