A Man With A Gun In The Night

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Last weekend was one of my best friends weddings. It was hosted at a small ghost town in a big barn. Other than a few houses scattered here and there, and all the old abandoned buildings that now function as small museums, there is nobody around for a couple miles. The reception was great and the liquor was flowing freely. The party wraps up around 10:00 and my fiance and our friends who are a couple stick around to help clean up before heading back to our hotel room. Around 11:00 I call our friend to come pick us up and take us back to our hotel.

After getting bored of waiting around for a call back, I call the one cab in the area. I am informed that the cab has broken down and no rides are available. I check my Uber app and am informed there are no cars out at this time. At this point we decide that we can probably walk the couple miles back to the hotel. The four of us grab a few items out of the car and head down the road.

Very quickly, we get away from any buildings and are surrounded by big open fields. In our drunken state, it takes about half an hour for us to get about a half mile down the road. At this point, I get a phone call back from my friend saying he can come pick us up. The drunken decision is made that I will walk back to the barn with Chelsea, the girlfriend in the other couple. Jason and Jessica, my friend and my fiance, would stay on the side of the road and we would pick them up there.

Chelsea and I, start back to the barn and get about 400 feet away when we catch a glimpse of a man walking towards us. There are no lights on this road and the minimal illumination is coming from the moon. Chelsea asks me if I had seen him when he comes out of some very dark shadows and walks right up to us. "You guys woke my family up. Is everything ok?" At this point, he is close enough to us that we notice he has a handgun on his belt. We apologize for waking his family and tell him our ride is at the barn and we are getting back to our hotel. At this point he places his hand on my shoulder and offers to give us a ride back to our hotel. "We help each other out around here. You guys aren't okay to drive, and neither am I but I will drive you into town."

We are walking down the street with him still holding my shoulder and inform him our friends are down the street and we are going to pick them up, but thank him for the offer. " You've already done enough and we're sorry for waking your family." Chelsea tells him. At this point he lets go of my shoulder and because of the darkness, I am unaware that he took Chelsea by the wrist and starts trying to lead her down his driveway. "It wouldn't be hard to find your friends in the field. Come with me and let me take care of you guys." Chelsea steps away from him without protest and he stays at the end of his driveway. "Let me know if you change your mind."

We get about 20 feet away and Chelsea stops to take off her high heels when we start running away from him. I call Jason and tell him to hide in the field with Jessica and wait for us to pick them up. He is unsure if I am serious. I am running and tell him I can't explain right now but that I am very serious. We run the rest of the way back and get to the barn with our car waiting for us. We get in the car and tell our driver to get us down the street very quickly. We pick up Jason and Jessica safely and got back.

Getting down into the ditch, Jessica left a bag on the side of the road. Without any idea of why we told them to hide, a car passed the bag, stopped and backed up and sat right next to them hiding for 30 seconds before pulling away slowly.

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