Guy Who Followed My Little Sister And Two Cousins

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A bit of info, my sister (Kate) was 15 at the time and my two cousins (Jon and Ella) were 6 and 4.

Mom and I decided to go to the mall to buy some make up. Kate says she wants to go with us because she knows mom will probably take us out to eat afterwards.

On the way there, we get a call from our uncle asking us to look after Jon and Ella for the afternoon. He agrees to us taking the kids to the mall with us.

So while mom and I were choosing the make up, Kate and the kids are hanging out near some chairs. A guy around my age (20,21) walks by and stares, really stares, at my sister as he leaves the store. Kate was a bit freaked out by this and told us, so we told her to stay near.

After like ten minutes, I turn around and I see the guy staring at her and the kids from outside the store for a few seconds before walking away. We didn't worry because he was gone.

Then, Jon and Ella say they want to go see the toys. Mom tells us to go. That day, Kate was their favorite cousin so she held each by the hand, instead of holding Jon's hand and letting me hold Ella's hand.

For some reason, I stay behind for a few seconds and they walk away. But then I sensed something was off and started walking to where the toys where.

I noticed that also, the aisle where they were looking at the toys was deserted.

When she sees me, Kate just shouts my name and I'm like "dude, why are you shouting?" and she's holding onto my cousins like her life depends on it. She then tells me the guy who was staring at her is there and that she shouted my name because he was walking towards her really quick from the other side of the store and she didn't know what to do.

I look around, freaked out, and see the fucker standing there, staring blatantly at my sister and smiling as if he was flirting. Even the kids were scared by that point.

Then, thank fucking god, a guy and a girl that work there walked by and I told them, drawing as much attention as I could from the people walking by, that the guy was following my sister and my cousins.

The guy heard me and literally BOLTED off the store. The woman and the guy were really nice and walked us to cashier where mom was paying and requested for a security guard to escort us to our car.

So, creepy guy who followed my sister and my wee precious cousins, let's never fucking meet.

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