Psycho Homeless Man

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So backstory first. I'm a normal sized guy about 6'0" and still at school. My girlfriend swims competitively and so gets up every morning at 4:30 to train (completely nuts, I know). I've recently been trying to go with her but instead I go to the gym while she swims. She drops me off at the pool and I have a 5-10 minute walk through the town centre. Now obviously it is still dark and very early in the morning walking through a town that I'm not completely comfortable in. So I wasn't very confident and I guess that showed a bit.

So I start my walk which goes down some side roads past the backs of shops etc and as I'm walking I see someone bike through the road ahead of me, this was shortly followed by a man giving out a sort of screech/shout. This obviously didn't build my nerves. So I carried on, but I was walking towards where this sound came from. I came to a corner where I can see a homeless man sat on a bench with his back to me, with his hood up. I can see he is already not normal as he is rocking back and forth and muttering words that I couldn't understand. Again not helping with my confidence. As I walk past he lets out this disturbing little snigger and says "hahaha you're not very big are you? You're the kind of person that gets beaten up around here hahahaha" in the most horrible, horror film creepy voice. So I looked at him to see if he was following me but he was still sat there and he said "don't look at me little boy, not unless you want to get beaten up ahahaha" in the same voice. By this point I'm absolutely shitting myself but I was determined not to run so that he didn't follow me. As I was walking away I could hear him muttering about me and sniggering. I am so glad he didn't follow me. All I could think when I got to the gym was that it could have been my girlfriend walking through there. It makes me feel sick at the thought of it and what could have happened if it was.

It just so happened that when I got to the shopping centre that my gym is in, I put in my code which opened the doors. Then as I walked in there was one of those children's ride on machines that started playing the Thomas the tank engine theme tune very loudly, in this deserted shopping centre. It scared the living shit out of me.

But yeah, creepy homeless man, let's not meet again.

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