Potential Creeper, Let's Not Meet.

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Now it was in late 1999, when I was 15. I lived about 3 miles from my school, so my mum would pick me up every day, but this time she was running a little bit late, so I went to go and get a drink while I waited. So anyone who lives in Queensland knows how hot summers get when you're just standing around, so I went into the nearest KFC toilets that was a 60 second walk from my school so I could take my itchy tights off, and I went to the gas station next door to get a drink.

As I walked in, a guy who was walking through the car park walked in the gas station right behind me, and kept following me down every aisle. From what I remember he was pretty old, and all of his clothes were dirty, so i'm guessing he was either very poor or homeless. I avoided making eye contact. I walked around the all of the aisles to try and get rid of him, but I knew he was still walking behind me. So I thought fuck the drink, i'll go back to the KFC where it was a bit more crowded, so people can do something if anything bad happens. I walk over quickly, and got in the back of the queue for food.

To my horror, I see him coming through the door. I thought this can't have been a coincidence, and I was right. He comes RIGHT behind me, and starts talking to me. I ignored him whenever he'd ask me how old I was and where I was from, but then he put his hand round my arm from behind me, so I shouted "What the fuck you touching me for!?" and walked towards counter. This grabbed a lot of people's attention- a lot of people were looking at me but honestly I didn't care. LUCKILY, a manager was on duty, so I called him over, and he came out and asked what the commotion was. After I told him that he was following me and really bothering me, the manager asked him to leave the establishment or the cops would be called, and after stuttering and trying to come up with something to say, he just left the restaurant in a rage.

All I could think was that it happened to ME. I thought that was just something you heard on the news and that it was some sort of rare occurrence but nope! It can happen to anyone.

Random pervert, pedo and potential kidnapper, let's not meet. 1990s manager of KFC, let's meet again so I can thank you. I didn't get the chance last time.

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