Robber Tried To Break Into The Car While We Were In It

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I was about 8 or 9 years old when this happened, placing it around 2005 or 2006. At the time I was living in South West Florida with my mother in a not-so-great part of town.

So one day my mother is driving me to a Scout meeting for girls. I'm in the rear driver-side seat, directly behind my mom. We're at a busy intersection, in the turn lane, waiting for the light to turn green for us to make a right.

This guy comes running down the middle of the road, like literally just running between cars on this main road. He's screaming "Help me! Help me! Please!"

My mom sees him in the rear view mirror on her side and although she is a good samaritan and a kind person, she's also cautious, so she cracks her window maybe 4-5 inches to see what's wrong, thinking maybe he'd gotten into an accident or something.

Guy comes running up to my mothers window and shoves his arm into the car, almost up to his elbow. He's obviously trying to open the door or hit the power locks or windows to get in. My mom, being the badass she is, punches the shit out of this guys hand a few times and you could hear a pop then a crack- she must have broken at least one of his fingers. She rolls the windows up and crunches his fingers some more before he can get his arm out all the way. Meanwhile, I'm watching from the backseat, completely petrified and unable to move.

He starts beating on the window, saying we better let him in or he'll kill us. At this point the light turns green and as soon as the cars in front of us turned, my mom burned rubber to gtfo of there.

We make it to the location of the scout meeting. By this time, I'm no longer in shock and I'm freaking out. I start crying a bit, but everything is ok. My mom calls the police department to let them know what happened and that we fled the scene. The officer informs her that a Chircuit Chity had been robbed not even a block away from the intersection we were at. The suspect had fled on foot and eventually was caught, but the officer assumed that was the man who tried to break into our car.

At the time, I didnt think too deep besides being spooked by the incident itself. As I've gotten older I think about the worst case scenarios. What if he had been able to get in? Would he have hurt my mom? Would he have hurt me? What if he'd pulled my mom out of the drivers seat and driven away with me in the car? What if he'd had a weapon?

So, electronic thief and attempted car-jacker, Lets Not Meet again.

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