Followed On The Way To The Airport

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For starters, I am a 24 year old kind-of-strong guy. This happened to me last week, and I figured I should share it on this sub-reddit. My boss came up to me earlier that week and told me that I had to go to a conference in Dubai. I didn't feel like going alone, so I convinced the company to also pay for my co-worker so he could also come.

I was kind of excited, as I had never been to Dubai before, but it was only a week so I couldn't really tour or do anything. I started packing that day. The flight was non-stop and departed at 4:30 in the morning, so we had to be ready that night. Also, from where I live, the airport we are departing from is a 3 hour drive. We figured that we should just sleep on the plane.

The day finally came, and the clock struck 9:30 PM. We didn't want to be late, and also, it was raining super heavy. I loaded my brand new Honda Civic, which was warm in the garage, and used my phone to off all the lights when we left. I was about to pull out of the garage, when my friend told me that he forgot something.

I was annoyed, but gave him the keys. Now this is where things get strange. When my friend returned to the car, he told me that there was a strange black Cadillac just parked with the lights on across the street. He said that all the lights inside the car along with the headlights were on, and a bald, jacked up man was staring at our house.

Now, I'm not usually the one to be paranoid, but this kinda creeped me out. I figured that we could just forget him because all the doors and windows were locked, and we were leaving anyway. Keep in mind it is almost 10 PM. I pulled out the garage, and my friend locked it through his phone (it's automatic). We took off, ignoring the guy, when he started following us.

I kinda got a little scared now, and judging by the look on my friend, he was also creeped. I got onto the freeway, and about 20 miles in, my friend told me that the guy is tailing us. I have read all that shit online on what to do if someone is following you, so, since we had time to kill, I took and exit and got back on the highway. Yup, this bastard was still following us. I didn't know what to do, but I know I had to stop him because I didn't want him to follow us to the airport.

Now he was really close, but it was raining so hard that neither of us could get a plate number from the guy. We finally both got the balls to call the cops, and they said they would dispatch a squad car to our area.

Also, I think I forgot to mention that the guy was staring at the back of our car with wide eyes. He looked high or drunk or I don't know, I just wanted to know why the hell he was following us. There were no more cars on the road, and it was raining like hell. I finally saw cop cars enter the highway from an exit, but when I looked back, the Cadillac was gone.

I was shocked, but happy. The cops pulled us over and took a report. We made it safely to the airport, gladly.

So black Cadillac who had nothing better to do that follow us, let's never meet again.

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