Guy Staring Through My Window

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Okay, so, this one happened when I was probably four or five years old. We live in a tiny town in North Carolina. Combined with the city and entire county we have a roughly 5,000 person population.

Now, when I used to live with my parents before I married we lived ten minutes from town. Our neighbors are family and they live about an acre away in each direction. We know everyone and everyone knows us.

When I was young I had a particular fear of leaving my curtains up at night. I had to have my windows covered before I could sleep. I was too young to verbalized it at the time, but the concept of waking up with someone looking through my windows terrified me. After this incident this particular fear of mine has amplified.

Anyways, to get to the actual story, we lived pretty much by ourselves. If anyone comes onto our property we know who they are. So, when my father and older brother started finding bootprints that didn't belong to them we got a little nervous.

Living out as far as we did meant that police, fire department, or EMS would take much longer in a bad situation. My father had taught my older brother, sister, and me how to handle guns, even from an early age. At six I was fairly proficient with my Daisy BB gun.

So, over the course of several days they started to notice more boot tracks. Stuff was being moved around in the barn. The building door was open one morning, though we couldn't tell if anything was missing or not. It was apparent that someone was snooping around at night.

Since I was so young my parents didn't want to frighten me, but my brother did. He told me that someone was creeping around the yard at night and one day I would wake up and he'd be in the house. To put it lightly, my brother was an asshole.

My brother always made fun of the fact that I would not sleep with my windows uncovered. He told me I needed to face my fears and eventually, during this time that someone was definitely sneaking around, he convinced me to sleep with my curtains drawn back. I craved his approval more than anything, so I agreed to do so. He said now was the best time to do it and I believed him.

So, that night, I left my curtains drawn. It took a long time for me to get to sleep, but eventually it did come. I was always a very light sleeper, and even the slightest gust of wind would wake me. I would always wake up four or five times a night.

That night I heard the porch just outside my window creaking. I tried to ignore it, thinking that it had to be my imagination. Then a shadow passed over the light coming from the lamp outside. I opened my eyes and sat up. A man was standing in the window, hands cupped up to the glass.

In the process of running out of my room I did piss myself. I ran straight for my parents' bedroom. At the same time the doorknob to the front door started jiggling hard. He was trying to get in. I managed to get into the bedroom and tell my parents what had happened. My dad grabbed a gun and flashlight and headed outside, throwing the door open. Mom locked it behind him before waking up my brother.

After nearly half an hour my father came back in. His face was sweaty and pale. He sent my brother and I to bed but we both sat up and listened. My father had found a tarp and blankets set up about half a mile into the woods, just off the logging trail that had been dug in some twenty years previously. Guy had been there a while. Dad apparently tore the place apart. He'd had sight of the guy but lost him in the end.

The police came and took statements from my parents and had a look in the woods, but didn't find anything. They figured he wouldn't be back any time soon. We never saw him again and I always sleep with my windows covered.

So, creepy ass man spying on a four year old: Let's not meet.

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