Older Kids Save Me From The Creep On The Bus

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When I was in middle school, I took the city bus to school because my parents couldn't drive me and no school buses routed to my neighborhood. I didn't live in a particularly good place, but I never felt unsafe (probably because I was a kid and thought myself invincible)

That morning I got on the bus to go to school, 6th grade at that time so I was about 12, but let me tell you I have always looked much younger than my age. It was decently crowded so I go to my usual spot in the back. A few stops go by, and then a man gets on and sits right next to me.

It's been about 10 years now but I still remember how looked. Tall, thin, Hispanic, with long straight black hair. There was maybe one or two seats open so it wasn't weird that he was next to me at first, I just figured he sat in the first seat he saw open.

Then he started to talk to me. I can't remember what he said at first, but being early in the morning and already peeved that I had to share my space with him, I just made vague disinterested noises at him. Then he asked where I was going. That's when my spidey senses started to tingle, because obviously it is early morning and I am a child so I'm going to school. So I said "school" in an "uh duh" way. I realize now he was probably looking for me to tell him which school.

A few stops went by and the bus opened up more so I quickly went and found another empty seat. Not five minutes later he follows and sits right next to me again and still tries to get me to talk to him. He asks my name. I look to the front of the bus and see some 8th graders that I know from school and from riding this bus. My animal brain screams at me to find safety in the pack.

I move up to the front of the bus and plant myself in the middle of them and basically press myself into them and give them "help me" eyes. The guy moves again, and sits directly in front of me. He asks my name again and one of the boys I'm sitting with, G, quickly calls me by a fake name and turns his body so he's kind of shielding me and carries on a conversation with me until we get to our school. The group of 8th graders basically formed a circle around me and we huddled off the bus and I turned to make sure the creep didn't follow us off the bus.

Thankfully he didn't follow, but for the next few weeks I caught either the earlier or later bus in case he was on it again. And since the bus stop was right in front of my school, I was afraid he knew where I went and would show up. But I never saw him again, so let's not meet, bus creep.

I'm so thankful those kids were there to help me. I don't know if that guy might have thought I was younger than I looked (so possibly elementary school age) and thought I was young and stupid enough to trust him with more personal information.

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