Backyard Creeper

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Many moons ago when I was but a young teenager, I was prone to thinking the best of everyone. What an epic downfall at times! I was lucky though. I had an older, protective brother, a loving mother, and a father who was a cop so most people didn't mess with me.

I met a man through someone I thought was a good friend at a party. Turns out she just loved drinking and was in with some questionable people. This guy was named Tom. He seemed nice enough. Charming, handsome, somewhat intelligent. My friend tried to set me up with him but I wasn't interested.

I was the DD, and was driving my friend home. She invited Tom to come with us, even though I had no desire to bring him home which would've been very much out of my way. But I was too nice to directly say no, so we all get in my car. I try to drop him off first, but he was being very vague and wanted to go for a drive instead (red flag, I know that now!) my friend was adamant about going home so I felt forced to drop her off first. Boy I was a silly young woman!

I drop off my friend and end up in what I thought was a nice conversation. He was talking about him ambitions and dreams. Something about wanting to work at Disney or as an animator or something. Eventually I get it out of him where I can drop him off. I remember it being a strange location but thought nothing more about it.

A few days later I was in our basement at home, on the family computer. The days of MSN Messenger and Limewire. It was late at night, my back was towards all the windows because of the location of the desk. I hear my big brother leave the house to drive his girlfriend home. A few minutes later the hair on the back of my neck stands up as I hear a tapping at the basement window. I furiously message friends on MSN telling them what was going on. I was frozen in place. I didn't want to turn around to potentially see a maniac face framed in the window. My parents were two floors up asleep and I couldn't yell out at them to wake them up without alerting whoever was at the window. The person tapped at every window of the basement. I prayed it was my brother playing a trick on me. To get to those windows, the person would've had to walk up our driveway, through our gate, and around half the house in our backyard.

It must've lasted a half hour or longer. Tap tap tap. Tap tap tap. It was horrifying. I was terrified. What if it wasn't my brother and he forgot to lock the door when he left?! I didn't know what to do. I stayed in my chair until a good hour went by with no noise before I bolted to my bedroom and locked my door. I stayed awake until I heard my brother come home.

The next day I asked my brother about it. He looked worried and very confused when I explained what happened. He adamantly refused having played a trick on me, saying he left immediately with his girlfriend. Mom and Dad heard the entire story too. Dad went into full blown cop mode, interrogating me with fatherly concern. It came out I met that guy Tom. Dad stopped cooking breakfast and looked intently at me asking if it was Tom Smith. I confirmed yes. He immediately informed me I was never to speak to that person again and to cut all ties. He was well known to the police as being a peeping Tom and having committed break and enters too. Dad suspected it was Tom scouting our place and trying to get my attention when he saw me alone after my brother left.

Apparently my "friend" told him my phone number and address after that party. I've since cut all ties with her as well!

So Peeping Tom named Tom, I know we'll never meet again since I'm pretty sure you're in jail. Let's keep it that way.

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