The Phone Call

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When I was 18, almost 10 years ago, I had a phone call that completely changed my life.

I got woken up at almost 6 am by an "unknown number." I figured it was my boyfriend (now husband) since his phone usually showed up as the famous "unknown number." He usually called me before going to work at around 7h30 am, but sometimes he'd call me at 6ish if he wanted to talk to me while waking up.

I answer, he says "hey baby" and I'm still half asleep but start talking. He tells me he has a "little problem" and that he's feeling "really... you know" Being 18 and having to start dating him recently, let's just say I was very willing to "you know..."

So we start, and he tells me how he absolutely loved seeing me last weekend, how good I looked, how he absolutely loved my hot red panties. He basically described what we had done during the weekend (If I remember properly his parents weren't home for the weekend and we had the house and the car to drive around- and we had lots of fun obviously) and how much he loved some of the things I did to him. I replied, I was more and more awake and we were having a really good time.

Then, I noticed it was almost 7 am (time where he usually takes his shower, eats and gets ready to go out the door) and basically ask him "So this is fun and all, but aren't you going to get ready for work?" This is giving me chills typing it but he basically replied "uhhhhhh no, I think I'll skip work today, what about I come over?" Now the thing is, by then I was pretty awake and although the voice that was talking to me was VERY similar to my boyfriend's, something threw me off. My boyfriend doesn't say the "uhhhhhhh no" like he does. Besides, I knew that unless he was sick, my boyfriend would never skip work because he was scheduled on shifts and missing a shift was a big deal that could get him fired.

I kind of froze, he noticed it so he said "Oh babe, you're right, I should start getting dressed, so you want me to come over?" By then I swear that his voice was back to my boyfriend's voice and I just felt silly. So what if he wanted to skip a day at work? Maybe he just wanted to see me. So I tell him, yeah sure, come over, it will only be us here. He replied great, then he asked "Where is it?" ..... Wait, what? My boyfriend knows where I live... He had been coming over for weeks now. I laugh it off and tell him "ha, you know where it is." That's when he laughed, and his laugh was absolutely NOT my boyfriend's laugh.

I instantly told him "you're not (boyfriend's name) are you?" He said "Can you just hang on please? I need to go grab something" Meanwhile, I get a text from my boyfriend, I figure that MAYBE, MAYBE this is just a sick joke? Maybe he coordinated it perfectly? Maybe he's sick and his voice doesn't sound the same? The text from my boyfriend said "at the subway, going to work now, love you" I texted him saying "why are you texting me? We are talking right now..." At which point my actual boyfriend called.

He was very confused at first and figured someone had hacked into his MSN. When I told him it was by phone he reassured me that he absolutely did NOT call me and that whoever it was, It was not him. He had to go as the subway train was there but that he will call as soon as he was at work. Then, the other guy called back, I picked up, I asked him "who are you, what do you want?" I pretty much went crazy on him. He said that his name was Mike, that we had met a long time ago (which was impossible because my phone number was fairly recent) and that he just wanted to have fun, that he didn't know I had a boyfriend. I asked him how did he know what I was wearing and what did we do and how he got my phone number. He just said "where are you? Why don't we meet?" At which point I hung up. He called again, I didn't answer.

Within minutes I had called my mom to tell her what happened, she told me to change my phone number and not to stay home alone. I changed my phone number right away, I also alerted local police, they opened a file but nothing ever came out of it.

I still wonder how he knew what we did and what I was wearing. My boyfriend swore at the time he would never let any of his friends know all that, BUT his parent's house did have lots of windows and we weren't exactly careful.

Mike, let's never ever meet.

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