Chapter 47: One Wedding and a Funeral-Part 1

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Jones then took a quick sip from his glass and said to the mayor's mother, "Still, it's not everyday we get to witness Walter's death-defying stunts Mrs. Johnson. Isn't that right Marie?" And Marie nodded in agreement knowing that she too likes to watch airplane aerobatic tricks.

Suddenly, they heard a plane flying above them and Jones told the group that the groom to be has arrived. In the sky, Marie saw the plane started to draw a heart in pink smoke. But then the smoke started to turn black at the end and then the plane took a nosedive and the people near the chapel ran away in fear hoping they wouldn't be targeted. Jones, Marie, Lola, Mayor Johnson and Serena ran over to the chapel and saw that the stunt plane crashed right into it. It was then that Jones and Marie went into police mode and started search around to see if they can help.

When Marie and Jones got near the plane, the two officer's eyes went wide with shock when they saw the groom Walter Fairbanks hanging out of his plane with his right side burned. Jones then said, "Well at least Walter made it to his wedding. Only he crashed into the chapel and died!"

Just then, the two of them were pushed out of the way by Lola and she clutched onto her dead fiancée and she cried out, "My love! Who killed you?!"

Jones placed a kind hand on the woman's shoulder and said to her kindly, "I know it's hard to hear Lola, but this was an accident."

Lola slapped Jones' hand away and exclaimed in anger, "This was no accident! Walter was the best pilot out there and he was practicing this stunt for weeks! You've got to believe me, this was no accident; it was murder!"

Jones then told Lola that e and Marie will inspect every angle they'll talk to her shortly. He then instructed her to leave the area since it's not good for her. After Lola left, Marie got to thinking and she said, "I think I would have to agree with Lola on this one. A skilled pilot like Walter would've checked his plane before flying it. I'm guessing that this is a sabotage."

Just then, Marie found some broken plane pieces and she began to think that maybe they would give her some sort of clue. But then, Marie remembered that she saw something fall in the cake stand and she told Jones about it, but he didn't notice it during the panic and he agreed that they should inspect it. As Marie sifted through the cake stand, she saw that the item that fell in were the wedding rings. Marie then analyzed in her mind that the shock of the plane crash must've been so violent that it must've sent the rings flying into the cake stand.

Marie then got morose in her mind when she began to think about Lola and how she witnessed her fiancee's death. She then looked at Jones and said, "I think it's high time we talk to Lola now David. The poor thing." And Jones nodded sadly highly agreeing with her idea.

As soon as the two officers approached Lola, they noticed that she was still upset and Marie asked, "Are you gonna be okay Lola?"

Lola shook her head and cried out, "Our beautiful wedding was meant to be the most happiest moment in my life; it's the moment that I've been dreaming about since I was a little girl! The whole world came to witness our union, but instead saw my dream of a happy future crash and burn! I just can't believe my love is dead! He did that stunt of his for me. But why didn't I stop him? What have I done?!"

Just as Jones and Marie were about to console the poor woman, an angry male voice called out, "Hey! What are you cops doing to my sister?! She just watched her husband die in front of her today! Can't you see she's in shock?!" And Jones and Marie saw a male that Marie thinks is Lola's brother trudging up to them and standing in between them and Lola.

Lola then angrily pushed the man aside and exclaimed to him, "Why do you even care Esteban?! You never even liked Walter anyway! And you were only invited here because I had no choice!"

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