That Magnetic Pull - Ch. 10 - "The Real, Idiotic Reason"

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I felt Patrick sit down beside me, definitely causing the space between the two walls on the entrance hall feel much smaller than it was. His arms wound their way around me as he pulled me into his side.

"I'm sorry, Lynn," he whispered in my ear. "I'm so sorry."

I let out a sob as I felt his words working in his favor, just like he probably intended.

"I never meant to break your trust that soon after gaining it or even at all," he apologized.

"I wanted things to work out so bad, Lynn. I still do. They have to work out because you make me so happy. I want to be that for you, too. I care about you so much already after knowing for such a short amount of time. I like seeing you so that I can make sure you're fine and aren't stressed out. I want to call you every time you go home so I know you made it back fine. I need to hear your voice to know that you're okay," he confessed.

"It didn't seem that way for the past three days," I mumbled into his chest.

"Do you want to hear the real, idiotic reason why you didn't hear a word from me?" he asked, his tone taking on one of slight aggravation.

"Oh, so you lied?" I asked, slightly joking.

"I'll admit it, I did slightly," he said with a shrug I felt as my head rested on his shoulder. "I didn't say the whole truth. I left out details."

"Which details?" I asked curiously. The tears were now dried. His apology and his confession were enough to convince me to consider giving him a chance.

"Like the fact that I forgot to bring my cellphone charger. So once my phone's battery became completely drained on Sunday morning during my flight, all possibility of calling or texting you flew out of the window. I admit it; I initially completely forgot to call you Saturday night. I fell asleep in front of the TV," he explained.

"And they didn't have a phone at your parents' house?" I asked disbelievingly as I lifted my head to look at his face.

He turned away and mumbled something under his breath.

"What?" I asked, not able to hear what he said.

He sighed. "I don't know your number by heart or wrote it down anywhere, okay?" he said once again with an embarrassed tone.

I laughed loudly at both his face and statement. Now, THAT was a completely valid reason.

"So this wasn't really about an obsession with spending time with your family?" I asked with a last chuckle.

"I'm not that weird," Patrick retorted with a scrunch of his nose.

"Patrick," I said as I giggle once more. "You're completely forgiven."

"Even though I'm offended that you don't have my number memorized if you care about me that much," I joked.

He groaned at the jab and wrapped me tightly in his arms once more, pulling us both up off the carpeted floor.

Once we were both on our feet, he lifted me again and spun me around as I laughed at his cheesiness. As he set me down once more, his lips met mine, our mouths moving together to a melody only we knew. The connection between both of us was broken as soon as Patrick could no longer hold in his smile. His lips spread into a wide grin as he pulled away.

"I get another chance?" he whispered, his forehead leaning against mine, our breaths mingling together.

"Just one more," I stated seriously.

My tone didn't cause his grin to falter, on the contrary, it widened. His happiness became infectious. I soon found myself smiling as I both basked in and shared his happiness.

Though Patrick and I just got back together, I knew that tonight proved to both of us the importance of communication. We needed to talk and listen to each other, giving each other a chance to explain. We also needed to keep in touch, keeping the other updated on everything. Whether it was a text message with one line or an hour-long phone call, all of it was necessary. That's just how it worked.

We eventually made our way back to the couch, our first night together almost repeated move by move. Surely, tonight would end like the previous one with Patrick staying over, but I knew that tonight would be so much better. We were just at the beginning, but I could see our relationship becoming something like wine. We just got better with time.

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This was a little lengthy, don't you think?

Hopefully, it made up for the absence [:

Their relationship is back on track! WOOHOO!


Pretty please?


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