13. Pre Chills

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I honestly didn't want to be disturbed. "May I?" he asked pointing to the chair. I stare at him and look back at my paper. Coach pulls the chair out and sits down and he takes my pencil out of my hand to set it on the table. "I've been calling you"

"I've been busy" I say looking at him and he stares at me. He rubs his face and takes a deep breath.

"Vanessa, I'm sorry. The whole Trevor thing did piss me off so I apologize for that. However, the whole... sleeping together" he says quietly so no one could hear him. "I'm a grown man. I'm not going to get angry if you don't want to. That's why I haven't pushed it on you"

"I just want to get it over with" I say and he stares at me. "Coach... I like you"

"I like you too and let's leave it at that Nessa. We're doing fine. Just let's keep doing what we're doing, okay?" he says and I stare at him.

"Okay..." I said and he grabs my hand and smiles. "I need to finish my essay"

"Right..." he says standing up. "I'll see you at practice tomorrow"

"Okay" I smile and he smiles at me and walks away. I rewind our conversation in my head and got back to work. The following day at practice, we all were in the locker room getting ready for practice.

"Coach is coming in" someone said. We all sit down and he walks in.

"This is it ladies. This is the last practice before our first game. I am very proud of each and every one of you. Let's make this a killer practice" he said.

"Go bucks" Heather said and coach smile.

"Let's get out there" he said. We follow Heather out on the court and started practice. It was a pretty basic practice, like going over drills. At the end of practice we all were standing by coach's office. "Alright, ladies be here at six tomorrow in the locker room, can't wait for you girls to be out on the floor doing action" he said and we all yell.

"Coach this is actually Harrison first game" Bianca said. I look at her and she smirks.

"It sure is" coach said leaning on the door frame staring at me.

"Yay?" I said and everyone laugh.

"We do this ritual for every new player first game" Bianca said and someone puts a blind fold on me.

"Oh boy" I said and I was pulled in a certain direction. When we got there my blind fold was taken off. We were in the fitness aid room standing in front of the ice bath filled up.

"You have to get in and keep your head under water for 15 seconds" Felicity said.

"What the hell? What if I can't?" I said.

"Then we lose the game tomorrow" Heather said. It was our first time speaking to each other in a while.

"I don't understand" I said.

"If you can't hold your breath under water for the 15 seconds we will lose the game. We've never lost our first game so..." she said. I look over to see coach at the door.

"You allow this?" I said.

"Its tradition" he said smirking at me.

"Do it you freshmen" Felicity said. I rolled my eyes and got in the cold tank.

"Ready, set, go" Bianca yells and I stuck my head under water. I kept myself occupied thinking about Derek, my essays, basketball and even Trevor. I was tapped on the shoulder and came up and all the girls were cheering.

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