12. Confrontation

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"She's my player and we have practice Trevor" Coach says. 

"Of course, sorry sir" Trevor says looking at me. "Bye Vanessa" he whispers and walks away. I look at Coach and he's already staring at me.

"It wasn't like that, you didn't see what happened--" I start to say.

"Go get ready for practice before you're late" he says about to walk away then looks at me. "Also, tell the ladies that it's a conditioning day, so get ready for running"

"Derek..." I said softly.

"GO!" he yells and I jump back. I shake my head and went to the locker room.

"There she is. Mrs. Trevor Hall" Heather jokes and all the girls laugh.

"I'm not with Trevor! So stop!" I said at her angry. Everyone got quiet and I took a deep breath and walked to my post. "Coach said we are doing conditioning today"

"SHIT!" Bianca yells throwing her jersey at her post. All the girls change out of their basketball stuff and into running shorts, running shoes and sports bras. I do as the other girls changing into my neon orange sports bra, black and orange shorts and my running shoes.

"He only does this when he's pissed off and wants to take it out on someone" Bianca says. Oh no.

"This fuckin sucks!" Heather yells and we all head out to the gym to get warmed up.

"Don't I have a practice for you ladies today" Coach said and all the girls sigh in disgust. I look at him and he looks over at me. "Everyone get on the line" he said and we do so. This practice was ruthless. Worse than the first practice of the season. He made us do suicides like ten times in a row, then sprints around the gym, then just the most ridiculous things ever. We were practically dying in today's practice. When we got a water break, we all were breathing heavily and sweating every inch of water off our bodies.

"Someone must have pissed him off really bad" Felicity says.

"Well fuck them, fuck coach and fuck this practice" Heather said trying to catch her breath. He really can't be this mad or is he? He has other things to be mad at right? I sat up and walk over to him and he looks at me as I approach him.

"Coach, please stop. You're mad at me, don't take it out on the team. Just take it out on me, they have nothing to do with it and you are torturing us" I said and he stares at me.

"Back on the line ladies!" he yells walking pass me and the girls sigh. He stops behind me. "Everyone..." he adds, knowing he's talking about me. I shake my head and turn around to walk back to the line.

"Seriously Harrison you need to learn your place on this team" Felicity says.

"You are a freshmen, stop trying to change shit. He does what he does for a reason dumbass" Heather says.

"Guys chill" Bianca said. I look over at coach who was already staring at me. I shake my head and look ahead and he blew the whistle and we were off. At the end of practice, we all walked back to the locker room and gathered our things.

"Harrison sorry about earlier" I hear Heather say and I ignore her. "Hello? Freshmen... I'm talking to you" she says and I turn to look at her.

"Yea... whatever Heather" I said grabbing my gym back and left the locker room. By the time I was walking to my dorm room, it was pouring rain outside. When I got to my room, I went to take a shower and laid in bed. I was exhausted.

"You okay?" Jaime asked.

"Umm... yea" I said looking at my phone. Should I call or text Derek right now? Should I tell him what he saw wasn't what it was? It wasn't even a big deal. I get up and grab my car keys and left the dorm room without saying anything to Jaime. I drive over to Coach's house. I get out my car and walk up to his door knocking. After about a minute he opens it and looks at me. "You're an ass!" I say and he stares at me. He takes a deep breath and moves from the door to let me in but I don't move.

"What can I do you for Harrison?" he said staring me.

"You want to know why I have never had a boyfriend?" I asked.

"Nessa, seriously come inside"

"Because I never wanted to have sex with them! I would always get so attach to a guy then he wants to sleep with me and I chicken out and I say no" Derek stares at me. "And after I say no... they forget my name or who I am and want nothing to do with me. It happens all the time. So I thought this time I'll be different because it's obviously me. You're such an amazing guy and I like you a lot Derek and I don't want you to get tired of me so I went for it" I say.

"Vanessa... come inside please" he said grabbing my hand and I pulled it back.

"Heather pushed me into Trevor. That's what you saw. You know I don't like Trevor so there was no reason for you to be so mean to me and the team. So yea... there you have it. Don't tell me I'm being ridiculous when you haven't text or called me since this weekend" I say backing off his porch and turning away. I jog back to my car and I hear Derek call my name and I ignore him. When I got back to campus, I decided to sit in the student union. I sat at a table dripping staring at the puddle I was making on the floor.

"You a little wet freshmen" someone says and I look up at Trevor and he was smiling at me.

"Oh... yea, I guess I am" I say trying to laugh.

"What's wrong Vanessa?" he says sitting down and pulling his chair closer to mine.

"Nothing, I'm fine"

"You don't look fine" and I stare at him.

"Trevor... do you have any regrets?" I asked.

"Yes!" he said hitting the table. "Sophomore year of high school, I was on the varsity team. Harry throws me the ball and I shoot, and miss it. The buzzer goes off and we lost the championship game. Worst day ever" he says and I stare at him.


"I mean I regret taking that shot. I disappointed everyone so it sucked" he says looking down. You?"

"No I was just asking a question" I lie.

"You're a liar. Come on Nessa just tell me" he begs.

"I don't want to talk about it..."

"What are you afraid of?"

"I'm not afraid"

"Well then tell me?" he says. I smile and lean forward to him.

"Why don't you date?" I say and he stares at me and clenches his jaw. "What happened in your life where it forbids you to date a girl?" Trevor stares at me and smirks.

"Alright... I actually have to go. But we're not done here missy" he says getting up. He smiles at me then walks away and I shake my head. The next few days at practice, I made no eye contact with coach or even Heather. On Sunday, I was in the library working on a big essay that was due tomorrow in English class.

"You're not an easy person to find" someone said and I look up to see coach. Great. 

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