45. Wednesday, January 15th

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(Me, crawling my way out of hell: did you really think you could get rid of me that easily?)

"Hey, did you hear the college is putting on a Valentine's Day dance? Or, at least, they probably will, since some older people here said they did for the last few years." Georges said as he and Philip walked to said college, coffees in hand.

"Valentine's Day is literally a month a way; worry about the dance when it's actually February." Philip answered.

"Yeah, but do you think you'll bring anyone?"

Philip shook his head. "I'm not interested in anyone right now, so what's the point?"

"Don't you like that one George kid?"

"Used to."

George frowned. "Well, you could still bring someone. You don't have to have a crush on them to ask them out on a date."

Philip shrugged. "I'm still not planning on bringing anyone."

George sighed. "Well, there's two other parties I'm inviting you to: a small gathering type thing on the 19th at the same house as the Halloween party, and then one on the 26th in a frat house. I'll text you the details when I have them."

Philip nodded. "Ok, I'll try to make it to both of them."

"Philip, is there something wrong? You've seemed pretty down lately." George asked after a minute or two of silence.

"I'm not sad or depressed, Georges, college is just stressful, and I've been getting less sleep then usual. You don't need to worry about me like you're my mom or something."

"I have the right to act like your mom when you're acting like something horrible happened to you! Was George flirting with someone else? Because you asked me about that last week. Is that why you're so sad?"

"Drop it, Georges."

"Because that doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't like you! Maybe you read the situation wrong, maybe they pretend to flirt sometimes, maybe-"

"Fucking drop it, Georges."

"Fine, fine."

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