14. Saturday, October 11th

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(I like Hamilton and all, but I feel like the fandom is being super toxic right now. Like, I've gotten some weird/kinda hateful comments, and idk, I kinda miss back when I first joined the fandom, because Pheacker and fan art are really the only things left keeping me in it.)

"I can't believe he said that!" Theo gasped between giggles. Philip had just finished telling her a story about her Dad giving up on law class.

"I know! But I find the part where he just laid down on the floor the funniest." Philip said.

Theo nodded and smiled, the tiny gap between her front teeth showing.

They were walking home from the movie theater, it was a bit cold, and rather windy.

"Do you want my jacket?" Philip asked her, noticing that Theo was shivering a little.

"No, I'm fine." She said as they entered the courtyard.

Not many people were there today, but Georges and Dick where crouched near a gutter, dropping things into it.

"What are you two doing?" Philip asked as they approached them.

"Dropping things in the gutter." Georges said.

"Why?" Theo asked.

"Because I was bored, and then Dick came outside and now we're dropping things, rocks mostly, in the gutter." Georges said.

"You sound like kindergarteners." Philip said.

"We're the college equivalent of kindergarteners." Dick said proudly.

Theo looked over across the courtyard and saw Frances studying under a tree. "I'm gonna go hang out with Frances." She said, patting Philip's shoulder before leaving.

Philip sat down on the curb and watched his friends throw rocks into the gutter.

"Why do you look so sad?" Dick asked after a few minutes.

Philip shrugged. "School stress."

"It's only going to get worse near exams or whatever they call them in college." Georges said.

"Ugh, don't remind me." Dick grumbled. He dropped a leaf above the gutter, and watched it float down slowly.

"Do you have any idea what you're going to Halloween as?" Philip asked.

"A sexy cop." Dick said, winking.

"One of dinosaurs blow up costumes in memes and stuff, if I can find one." Georges said "What about you?"


"Good. It will compliment your ass." Dick said.

"Good." Philip said.

Georges picked some grass from the crack in the sidewalk that it was growing through. Back when the cement was still wet, someone had written 'Tommy and May' in a heart. Philip wondered if they were still together.

"Well," Dick said, standing up and stretching "I'm gonna go soon. David is taking me to dinner tonight."

"How long have you and David been dating?" Georges asked.

"Well, since freshman year, so about four years now I guess." Dick said.

"Wow, do you think you're gonna marry him?" Philip asked.

Dick blushed and tried to hide it with his hand. "I don't know," he said "I'm not gonna propose, and I can't see David ever doing it."

"Why not?" Georges continued.

"David has never been super into affection, and proposing seems to be in the affection category. Plus it took me four months to convince him to give dating me a shot, so there's probably a chance he just never got around to breaking up with me." Dick rambled.

Philip rolled his eyes. "Half the things he talks to me about include how much he loves you in some way. I doubt he would ever even consider breaking up with you unless it's what you wanted." He said.

Dick smiled. "Really?"

"Honey, he is beyond head-over-heels. You're fine." Georges said.

Dick smiled and hugged his friends. "I'm gonna go now." He said.

Philip and Georges watched him go before walking back to their own apartment.

Theo was sitting next to Frances under the tree, typing on her phone and wearing Frances's jacket.

The wind blew a few leaves off the trees, and Philip smiled, enjoying Fall.

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