42. Tuesday, January 7th

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"What's up?" Frances asked, walking into the bedroom she shared with Philip.

"I'm writing edgy poetry because I'm sad." He muttered back to her, wrapped in all his blankets, plus a few of hers.

"Why are you sad?" She asked, sitting in the bed next to him and stealing her blankets back.

"I like this guy, but I think he likes someone else." Philip said.

She patted his back. Philip knew she was probably aware of how he felt.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.

"I don't know. I just thought I had a special connection with him, but I saw him flirting with someone else, so I guess I was wrong."

"Did you actually see him flirt with the other person?"

"No, but if he wasn't interested he would have already walked away by the time I saw them together."

She patted his back again. "Sometimes things don't go right, and that sucks ass."

Philip laughed softly.

"Do you want me to beat your crush up for making you sad? Just give me a name and address and he'll be sorry."

"It's fine, it's fine. It's not like I honestly expected him to like me back. I guess I just wasn't quite prepared for the reality of that."

"Well, on the bright side, maybe him being taken will make you realize that there's someone else out there who's way better for you, or maybe they'll break up, and it'll be the perfect opportunity for you to get with him."

Philip smiled. "Thanks, Frances."

"No problem-o." She said, standing up "and my beating-up offer is still on the table if you want it."

Philip smiled and she ruffled his hair before leaving the room.

Philip put down the notebook George had gotten him, which he had been writing in, and laid back on his bed.

Despite the cheering-up from Frances, he still really hoped that whatever relationship George had with Robert, that it wasn't anything serious.

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