15. Saturday, October 18th

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"That is horrible, Georges, please, I'm begging you, do not wear that." Frances said, staring I'm horror at the opened box Georges had received in the mail.

"Stop being such a party pooper." Georges said, observing the dinosaur costume he had gotten in the mail.

"I for one, think it's amazing." Will said, looking up from his phone.

"Thank you, brother." Georges said.

"Anytime, brother." Will answered.

"Isn't that 'brother's thing from that one caveman show on Netflix?" Philip asked.

"The Croods is quality entertainment." Will said.

Frances covered her face with her hands.

"Well, at least I look good." Philip said to break the silence, turning in a circle so his roommates could see his Spiderman costume.

Frances clapped.

"What are you going as?" Philip asked Will.

Will shrugged. "I've got my knife headband that makes it look like I got stabbed."

"But you did that last year!" Georges said.

"So?" Will asked "You went as a baguette three years in a row when we were kids."

"True, but we were kids." Georges replied.

Will laughed.

(Ugh, this is so short, but it's just a filler chapter. The good stuff's coming soon.)

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