22. Monday, November 3rd

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(Small thing that annoys me: when people spell Philip's name 'Phillip'. I do believe there was a Phillip Hamilton at one point, but Alex's son just has one L in his name)

"I'm dropping out of school." Dick announced, barging into Philip's apartment.

"Why?" Georges asked.

"Because my teacher started talking about exams and I don't want to deal with that bullshit." Dick said, collapsing onto the couch.

"My teacher hasn't talked about exams yet, but she probably will, soon." Georges said.

"I don't want to do exams, though." Dick complained "I thought that was a strictly high school thing."

"You can never escape the pain you suffer from." Philip said.

"woah there, edge lord, that was a little dark." Georges said.

Philip laughed.

"I like your nails." Georges said to Dick, changing the subject.

"Thank you, David spoils me sometimes." Dick said, waving his red nails around.

"I wish I had a boyfriend who would spoil me." Georges pouted.

"What about Eston?" Philip asked.

"We haven't officially decided if we're dating or not." Georges said.

"Just ask him officially." Philip said.

"Philip, I know Theo was the one who asked you out, so you've never had to go through the stress of officially asking someone out, but I can't just 'ask him out officially'." Georges said.

Philip shrugged and smiled.

"Just kiss him," Dick said "And tell him you love him; that's what I did."

"But is it too soon to tell him I love him?" Georges asked.

"Just trust your instincts." Dick said "Things will naturally end up how they're supposed to be."

"You sound like a love doctor or something." Philip said.

Dick whacked him.

(I'm having writers block so here's a filler chapter.)

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