6. Monday, September 15th

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Philip walked to his college, a coffee cup in hand.

The weather was beginning to drop, so it was easy to see the steam coming from his coffee.

The leaves on the trees were beginning to change colors, and Philip thought the hints of red and orange in the otherwise green trees were pretty.

Philip approached campus and made for the law building, swerving groups of other college students as he did so.

"Good morning!" Philip said, setting his bag down next to Eston, who's upper half was laying on the table.

"How are you always so cheerful this early in the morning?" Eston groaned.

Philip shrugged. "I just am. Want a sip of my coffee?"

Eston nodded, took the cup, and downed like half of the coffee.

"Hey! I said a sip! A sip!" Philip protested as Eston handed back the cup of coffee. Eston shrugged and laid back down on the desk.

"Why are you so tired, anyways?" Philip asked.

"I had to convince my Dads on the phone that I was doing my work, not drugs here, and I had to talk to all of my siblings who were at home, and then I just had trouble falling asleep."

"How many siblings do you have?" Philip asked.

"Seven, including me." Eston said.

Philip smiled. "Nine, if you count the one on the way."

"Jesus fucking Crist, and I thought my family was bad. David's lucky he only has a little brother."

"I heard my name." David said, approaching the table.

"Eston was saying you're lucky your parents only had two kids." Philip said to him.

"I don't know, you haven't met my demon of a little brother." David said, sitting down next to Eston.

"Henry isn't a demon!" Eston protested.

"Not to you, he isn't." David replied.

"May I have your attention, please!" Mr.Burr called, starting the class.

Philip lost himself in writing down notes, and wasn't snapped out of the zone he was in until close to the end of class.

(I don't know how any of this works, fight me.)

"You'll be working in pairs of two-" Mr.Burr started -"That I assign." he said when people started movie in their seats to silently communicate with their friends "Each pair will be given a realistic, but didn't actually happen, court case, and you'll have to use facts and evidence to decide if the accused is guilty or not guilty."

He pulled out a piece of paper out of his pocket and started to read of the pairs.

Philip leaned forward and waited for his name to be called.

"Philip Hamilton," Mr.Burr said after listing off a few pairs "and George Eacker."

Philip leaned back, the suspense gone. Eston patted his back sympathetically.

Eston and David were called, both of them working with people Philip didn't recognize.

Class ended, and Philip slung his bag over his shoulder and walked towards the door with David and Eston.

"Philip! Wait up!"

Philip turned to see George. He waved Eston and David along and went to talk with George.

"I've got our case, some guy accused of theft. When are you free to work on it?" George asked, handing Philip a copy of the trial.

"How about Friday?" Philip asked.

"You could come over to my apartment at three. Is that good?" George answered.

Philip nodded. "I've got to go, see you Friday!"

"Bye." George said as Philip ran off.

- time skip-

"I didn't know you worked here!"

Philip turned to see Eston, David, and Dick entering the Lewis Cafe.

He waved to them and finished the coffee he was making, and handed it to the girl waiting for it.

He turned to his friends, who were sitting patiently at the counter, and gave them menus.

"What can I get you?" Philip asked.

"A rimjob." Dick answered.

"Something that's actually on the menu, please." Philip said.

"Can I get cappuccino?" Eston asked "And Mac N' Cheese?"

"Interesting choice, but ok." Philip said, scribbling the order onto his waiter notepad thing.

"Just black coffee, please." David added on.

"Ugh, if I can't get a rimjob can I at least get a Dr.Pepper and a bagel?" Dick asked.

"You guys have weird tastes in food." Philip said, hanging up the piece of paper with their orders on it on the string that hung in the window between the counter and the room with the stove in it.

Dick shrugged. "I was in the mood for Dr.Pepper and bagels, and Eston only ever eats Mac N' Cheese."

"That's not true!" Eston protested "I eat other things!"

"Like what?" Dick asked.

Eston faltered.

"Ha!" Dick retorted.

"It's not my fault I was raised like this." Eston said, turning away from Dick.

"Order up!" The chef yelled, and Philip took the plates and walked to one of the booths to give a young couple and their baby their food.

"Do you like working here?" David asked when Philip came back.

Philip nodded. "The staff is a bunch of nice people, and the customers are always interesting. Plus the owner, Maria, knew my Mom in college, so I get to hear about all the edgy and embarrassing things she did."

"The Mom who's having nine kids?" Eston asked.

"That's the one." Philip replied.

"Please, siblings can't be that bad, why do you always complain?" Dick asked.

"Dick is an only child." Eston said in the tone a soccer mom would use to say someone was recently divorced when talking to her soccer mom best friend.

"That sounds so nice." Philip sighed "Having no siblings."

"Him and his Mom go on vacations all the time." Eston said.

"I wish my family could go on vacation all the time." Philip said "The closest thing I can remember us doing to a vacation is when we all went to the dollar store and my brother got yelled at for trying to steal a pack of gum."

"Our last 'vacation' is when we were going to visit my sister and when we got there her roommate was being arrested." Eston said.

The turned to see Dick and David looking at them, clearly concerned."

"It's a big family thing." Eston waved it off as Philip went to get their food.

"Enjoy!" Philip said, setting down their plates.

"Table 3 needs to be cleaned, Philip!" Susan called, walking past the counter with dirty dishes in her hands.

"I've gotta go," Philip said, grabbing a rag to clean the table with "I'll talk to you later!"

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