29. Friday, November 28th

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(I really want a girlfriend, and there's a girl at my school who I have in mind, but I'm not sure if I actually like her like that, or if I just want to date someone. Plus there's a bunch of reasons why we couldn't date anyways.)

Philip shivered and wrapped his arms around himself. The last week had been a bit warmer than usual, and he had left his coat at home because he hadn't expected the weather to slip back down to lower temperatures yet.

He was tempted to run back to his apartment and grab his coat, but he didn't have the time unless he wanted to be late to class.

He entered the school grounds and speed-walked in the direction of the building his law class was in, arms wrapped tightly around himself.

"Philip, where the fuck is your coat?"

Philip stopped and looked up to see George leaning against the side of a building. He pressed a button on his phone, turned it off, and slid it into his pocket like he had just ended a phone call.

"I thought I didn't need it." Philip mumbled walking closer to George and rubbing his arms a bit.

"You should've checked the weather." George said.

"I know, but I didn't." He sighed.

George chucked and shrugged off his coat, placing it around Philip's shoulders.

Philip glanced up at him, confused.

"I don't want you to freeze," George explained "and I'll be fine, don't worry. This sweater is pretty warm, and I like cold weather anyways."

Philip nodded, to cold to argue, moved his bag a bit, and slid his arms into the sleeves. The coat was a bit big, not that it mattered.

"How was your thanksgiving?" George asked.

"Besides explaining that Theo is dating Frances now, instead of me, it went pretty well." Philip answered "Did you go home for turkey day?"

George shook his head. "I live pretty far away, and my family is always busy, so I didn't bother."

"You should come home with me next thanksgiving. If you help clean dishes after dinner my Grandma will love you, and ask me where you are and how you're doing every time I go home."

"That sounds like a pretty great deal, I might take you up on it." George said, smiling a bit.

Philip smiled at him and took his hand to get him to start walking. "Come on, we're going to be late to class."

(Ugh this chapter is so weirdly written.)

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