18. Friday, October 24th

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Philip shook the door handle and then knocked on the door several times even though he couldn't see any lights through the windows at the front of his apartment.

"God damnit!" He said, causing a girl passing by to look at him weirdly. He had forgot his key at him this morning but didn't return to get it because he didn't want to be late, and had assumed at least on of his room mates would be home before or around when he was.

He pulled out his phone and typed in a message to a group chat between him, Frances, Georges and Will.


Me: Will any of you be home soon??? I'm locked out.

Will: Oh shit, Rine and I are studying together so I won't be home for another hour.

Georges: I'm on a date with Eston. What about Frances?

Me: No, she has volleyball practice today.

Will: What about Theodosia?

Me: She has a study group.

Will: Coffee shop?

Me: Closed, today.

Georges: Well, Will will be home in an hour, so just sit outside I guess.

Me: But it's raining.

Georges: Sit under something then.

Philip sighed and slipped his phone back in his pocket.

He sighed and sat against the door. There was a ceiling over the walkway from the walkway above them, so Philip wasn't being rained on, but he was still cold, and a bit wet from running in the rain to get there.

Philip curled up and put his face between his knees.

Minutes passed and footsteps approached him. "What are you doing?" George Eacker asked.

"I forgot my key, and my cousins and sister are all busy right now, so I'm waiting for one of them to come home." Philip said, looking up at him.

"You could come stay at my place. Just until your cousin gets back." George said "I don't want you freezing to death."

"Really?" Philip smiled.

"Come on." George said, offering his hand out to Philip to help him up.

Philip took it and followed him to his apartment.

It was empty, as Philip had already assumed it would be.

George set his jacket on a hook. "I'm going to change since my clothes are wet, do you need anything to change into?"

"I'm fine." Philip said, smiling politely. George nodded and walked towards his bedroom, beginning to strip off his shirt.

Philip watched his back muscles until George shut the bedroom door. Philip sat awkwardly until George came back out wearing sweatpants and an old shirt.

"Hungry? Thirsty?" He asked.

"Just a bit hungry." Philip said.

George walked into the kitchen. "Are you fine with just pretzels?" He asked.

"Yup." Philip said. George came back from the kitchen, holding a bag of pretzels. He sat next to Philip on the couch and picked up the remote.

They watched Futurama for a while until Philip's phone buzzed.


Will: I'm here, where are you?

Me: George's. I'll be back in a few seconds.

"My cousin's here now, so I'm going to go. Thanks for letting me stay with you until he got back." Philip said.

George nodded as Philip slipped out the door. He passed Rine on the walkway, who smiled at him.

Philip smiled back and continued on his way.

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