28. Thursday, November 27th

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(I'm kinda sad because Pheacker gets so much hate. I mean, I get why people don't like it, but it's always sad to go to it's tag on Instagram or Tumblr or something, just to see hate.)

Philip sat in the front seat of the car, waiting for Georges and Frances to hurry up so they could go home for thanksgiving.

Will was in the back, but he had his ear buds in, and Philip knew better than to talk to him when they were in.

Dick tapped on the window, making him jump. He rolled it down to talk to him.

"Hey, bring me back some food. I haven't had home-made food in forever." Dick said.

"Doesn't David cook for you?" Philip asked.

"Yeah, but we're broke college students, he makes me bagels, not the shit that you'll be getting." Dick answered.

"Ok, ok, I'll see what I can do." Philip said.

"Thank you." Dick smiled and walked away from the car.

Philip sighed and leaned back in his seat. He closed his eyes and listened to the light rain falling down onto the car.

A tapping came again, and Philip opened his eyes. He rolled down the window.

"Hey." George said.

"Hey, what's up?" Philip asked.

"I'm just here to say drive safe; I'd be pretty sad if you died."

Philip laughed. "Ok, I will."

George smiled at him.

-time skip-

"So how's college been?" Alexander Hamilton asked as their family began to dig into the thanksgiving feast.

"Good." Frances said "Tiring."

John Laurens laughed. "When we were in college your father was basically glued to his computer."

"He's still glued to his computer." Frances answered.

Alex placed his hand over his heart in mock offense.

"How are your classes?" Hercules Mulligan, their uncle, asked.

"Hard." Georges whined "People in history were idiots."

"And are you meeting any interesting people?" Marquis said, resting his chin on his hands and winking.

Philip and Frances glanced at each other.

"Well, um, Theodosia and I broke up," Philip said "so I guess I have been 'meeting interesting people'."

Alex nodded his head. "Honestly, I never liked her that much. Her dad is too indecisive, and she's too much like him."

"Well, I'm dating Theodosia now." Frances said, raising her hand a little.

Will laughed as Alex's face dropped into the panic you get when you realize you've probably insulted someone.

Eliza nodded her head. "That's nice." She said, clearly trying to tone down the awkwardness in the room "Stuffing, anyone?"

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