Regina laid there soaking up the sun, trying not to drift off so she didn't end up burnt on one side. She definitely wanted to tan evenly and knew she was going to have to flip soon. Then maybe she would take a dip in the pool, get a drink...

A cold drop of water landed on her stomach and she let out a startled cry as she sat up. She felt a few more droplets douse her and she grew indignant as she lowered her sunglasses. The culprit appeared to be a man about her age with dark hair and a toned physique she may have admired if she wasn't too busy wondering why he had decided to shake off the access water like a dog.

"Excuse me," she said curtly as he toweled himself off.

He turned, revealing bright blue eyes. When he smiled, she couldn't help but notice two dimples on either side of his face. "Is there a problem?"

"Yes," she replied. "You got me wet."

To his credit, he looked sheepish. "Apologies, milady. I guess I was wetter than I thought and didn't realize I was dripping on you."

"Well...Be more careful next time," she sniffed, laying back down. "And move. You're blocking my sun."

His shadow didn't move and she found herself scowling. When he spoke, she could hear the bemusement in his voice. "I'm sorry. Who died and made you queen of the pool deck?"

"We had a vote while you were underwater."

She felt his shadow pull back and when she glanced over, she found he was sitting on his lounge chair. He bit his lip, his eyes raking over her body. Regina was impressed he didn't hide his admiration of her and she felt proud he was looking. She worked hard to maintain her body (yet Mother still insisted she could do more), eating healthy (though still too much for Mother's taste) and exercising several times a week (but not daily like Mother wanted). But Regina knew everything was toned—arms, abs, and legs—and all were shown off excellently by the white bikini she wore.

"Like what you see?" she asked, teasingly.

"I must say, I do," he replied. This time, she noticed he had a British accent, which suddenly raised him up a bit in her mind. And she also now noticed how fit he was as well. His arms were muscled but not to excess and he had a nice six-pack. Definitely not too bad, even for someone who had disturbed her tanning session with his cold water.

He smirked. "Like what you see?" he asked back.

Busted, even with her sunglasses. Regina smirked as well. "Not bad."

He laughed, leaning back a bit. "You here alone?"

"Isn't that the point of singles' vacation?" she asked.

"Good point," he conceded. "But I meant if you were traveling with friends."

Her stomach dropped and she swallowed as she debated if she was going to lie or not. She bristled a bit. "What's it to you?"

"I'm just trying to make small talk. And figure out if a girlfriend is going to come sweeping in to stonewall me on your behalf."

Regina smirked, able to imagine Mal doing just that. Probably with a few acidic barbs thrown in for good measure, no doubt having already measured him as unworthy of Regina's attention. But she had to admit she was enjoying this back and forth with him, so she admitted: "No, nothing of the sort. I'm all alone."

"So am I," he replied, biting his lip again. She noticed he did it as he grew excited about something and she had to admit, it was kind of sexy.

He leaned closer to her. "Want to be my vacation buddy?"

"We don't even know each other's names," she replied, raising her eyebrows.

"Fair point, but I've been here a day and have thoroughly enjoyed our brief conversation more than anything I had at the mixer last night," he admitted. "Besides, isn't the point of coming to one of these places to have fun."

He wiggled his eyebrows at that last word and Regina rolled her eyes thought she let out a soft chuckle. He continued: "No strings attached. We have fun together, whatever that ends up being, enjoy our vacation and then part ways."

Regina had to admit that was a very good offer. Even at the singles' vacation, she wouldn't be too self-conscious about being solo if she was with him. And she was having fun with him. Maybe they could even have the eyebrow wiggling version of fun he eluded to and then they could just say goodbye. No messy feelings.

She sat up, turning to sit so she faced him. Holding out her hand, she said: "You have a deal."

"Great," he said, shaking her hand. "I'm Robin."

"Regina," she replied. "Nice to meet you."

A/N: There will definitely be a part two! I didn't have much time due to my mother's birthday and wanted to get something up for Day 4. (I want that button!) But I do want to write the rest.


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