If we were going to have a zombie apocalypse I wanted to be right here with my brother. I couldn't imagine not knowing if he was okay; trying to find my way here. I wouldn't have found Madison and her lovely daughter nor Felicia.

"Scavenging?" Madison's voice was soft.

"It ended up that way." I put the rounds and other items in my backpack. We could sort through them later. I took my time searching the man to find a gold ring on his finger.

I heard light moans and scratching at the door. I held my index up, pulling out my knife. I went further into the back office finding a door. The smell welcomed me like spoiled food left around way too long. I winced and opened the door.

A woman who could weigh closely four hundred pounds wobble off of the toilet trying to stand. She was in a small restroom, barely able to get out. Both sides of her body skidded against the walls.

I wondered if she actually took a shit. There was pieces of flesh over her stomach as if teeth tried ripping through. Compared to her weight I'd think it took days before she actually turned.

I switched back to my Katana as Madison handed it to me. I wasn't going to get close to her. I'd fall in. Angling my Katana to her skull I slid it in. She dropped on the toilet and I definitely heard it break.

"Lovely." I glanced around the fat dead walker a bag sitting at her feet. The obese walker leg was on top. I tugged hard yanking the bag from underneath.

I peaked toward Madison expecting a bewildered frown on her face. "Need help?"

Smiling to myself I shook my head, sliding the ring off. "We never know when we'll need to buy our way out or into something."

Madison nodded in agreement. She watched me look around, occasionally doing the same. "You have to give everyone some slack. We've been moving for days and this is the first time in a long time...it feels like, we get to sleep in a bed and under warm sheets."

"That's the problem," I said. I understood where everyone was coming from but I looked at every possible outcome of every hour of the day. Even when I was sleeping, my mind was always planning; strategizing. "We get too comfortable and shit happens."

My stomach growled. Great, I made myself hungry. There were small things that could trigger my hunger and not for normal food habits. Anger was one big thing. Any high emotion can effect me so it was best to eat before and sometimes after.

Madison pulled out her well packaged container. It was less than a days old bird. Seagull to be exact; plucked and sliced into thin layers. Raw and bloodied. That's what the seagull deserved. Memories of a seagull stilling food from my had as a kid played in my mind. I felt no pity for it.I told myself it was sushi though deep down I didn't need to. I was always satisfied; enjoying every bite. It was my mind that couldn't accept what I was doing.

Madison walked over to the counter putting the small container on top. "We will figure this out."

   "Right." I grimaced at self disgust. It's  just sushi, I kept telling myself so I wouldn't feel like a Hannibal Lecter.

I reached for the container, laying my katana on the counter beside me. "You have any handsanitizer?"

Madison snorted. "You're going to have to let go of that fantasy in your head of trying to stay perfectly clean."

Hollow Graves 2 ~ No Redemption (Lesbian story)Where stories live. Discover now