My "Playlist"

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I'm not really a very musically minded person, but right now I'm feeling inspired. Which is all thanks to Pandora spitting out a song earlier today that is now one of my absolute favorites.

The new favorite is:
"Battle" - Chris August

It is a song about the battle that is taking place around us 24/7. It is so good! If you want to listen to it I'll have it up in the media.


"Creed" - Rich Mullins

This song brings several things together in a really nice way and is overall a good song. I would like to say that this is my Creed, pardon the pun.

"Motions" - Matthew West

As I wrote in a previous chapter, this song was my inspiration. It was really a wake up call for me at the time and still is. It helped me realize that I need to actually get going and LIVE for my faith, and not just go through the motions.

"Guilty" - Newsboys

This song speaks for itself. We should want to be guilty, if living for Christ is "unlawful" then we should want to be guilty for it. And I hope everyone here will agree.

"Something Beautiful" - Newsboys

(This one does not have lyrics, but I'm sure you can find them online if you want)
This song shows me that there is more to the world than the spiritual and moral ugliness I normally see in the people who simply do not care what God thinks. It showed me that there is beauty that I can look at in God's creation which, the Bible says literally cries out to their creator. There is evidence of our Lord's hand at work everywhere, we just have to choose to look for it.

"Amazing Grace" - Chris Tomlin

(This video is new to me, but the intro is very touching and for me, relatable)
Amazing grace, without it we would have no hope. Everyone has their ups and downs, times when they are lost and times when they can't keep quiet about their faith. Those struggle periods are different for each person, but we all must agree, without His grace, we would be lost. This song holds much power when I listen to it.

"Get back up" - Toby Mac

This song just really speaks to me when I'm feeling down or hurt. It helps inspire me to "get back up", as the title suggests. And I hope it will inspire many others as well.

Lift your Head Weary Sinner - Crowder

(This will probably be a work in progress)

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