Which Doctor Are You?

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Who are you most similar to?

Quiz 1.

This is the first quiz. My results came up as the First Doctor, although I don't feel that it is entirely accurate, so I'm trying different tests to get a more accurate reading.

Quiz 2.

This one came up as the Tenth Doctor? That is insa...actually that is not too terribly far off.

Quiz 3.

This one was so, so wrong! It gave me the Eleventh Doctor. I am nothing like him.

Quiz 4.

Yay! Another one agreed, I am the First Doctor.

Quiz 5.

This one got the Seventh Doctor.

I did take other tests but decided on the above.
I think I'm a mix of One, Five, War, and Seven. As they are most similar to each other.

Now, did you think me to be one to put all this stuff up and expect nothing? Well think again... TAAAAAAGGGGGGGGSSS!




If you do the tag, and I hope you do, put your test results in a comment on the corresponding test, or do the same on one of you're books. Feel free to tag other people too!

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