How to Train Your Hybrid Dinosaur

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Warning: This is an old thing my brother and I cooked up, and we finally decided to publish it. It is extremely random. So here it goes...

Raaaaawrraaawwrrrar crash!
Trees fall in the distance.

Owen: Run! Everybody, get off the Gallimimus fields!

*The Indominus Rex stomps out onto the field.*

Sir Indominus: *Stares with his mouth open.* SUCH BEAUTY!

Me: Run for your lives!

Sir Indominus: Why? It's not like it's going to eat me or anything.

*Mace Windu falls out of the sky with both his hands gone. (Arresting the Chancellor) And lands flat on the ground, then he stands up.*

Mace Windu: I'm alive!

*Indominus Rex walks over and...*
Indominus Rex: Snap, crunch, toss, munch, burp.

Me and Sir Indominus: Noooooooooo!

My Brother: What just happened?

SuperiorGhost: I don't know. You came up with it. You also made me and all our readers sad. You better have a solution.

My Brother: Okay, take this...


Inside the Indominus Rex...

Mace Windu: What did this thing eat for breakfast? Never mind, I don't want to think about it.


Back outside...

Me: Sir Indominus, your name literally has Indominus in it. Can you do anything about this?

Sir Indominus: I have a PhD in Discipline of Carnivorous Genetic Hybrids. Sure, I think so. I could probably do sometin' about it.

Owen: Not another wacko scientist.

Me: Don't you talk to my brother like that.

Sir Indominus: He's right I am wacko.

Me: Excuse you.

*Hiccup appears and hands Sir Indominus the book How to Train Your Dragon.*

Sir Indominus: Do you have any books on How to Train Your Hybrid Dinosaur?

Hiccup: Nope but that sure looks like a dragon to me.

*While this conversation has been going, the Indominus Rex has been standing over their heads with a worried expression on its face.*

Indominus Rex: (thoughts) These are the craziest crazy humans I've ever seen. I don't know if I could even stand to eat them.

Sir Indominus: I need to catch up on my reading. *Opens Hiccup's book. And begins reading.*


Ten Hours later, midnight...

Me: Are you almost done yet?

Sir Indominus: Oh yeah, just fifty-four pages left.

Me: Arrgh! Owen's asleep in the grass and Hiccup rode away on Toothless. You even bored the Indominus so much that she is sleeping with her teddy bear.

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