Starting Anew and Devoting Myself

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Yesterday, I went outside to mow the front lawn, and I decided to listen to some iheart radio music while I worked.

And I discovered something, mowing allows lots of time to think. Next, something happened that I believe was God's hand at work. Three songs came on right after another, and they perfectly complimented each other.

Guilty - Newsboys

Something Beautiful - Newsboys

Motions - Matthew West

They touched me in a very powerful way. They made me see that I need to stop going through the motions (Motions) of this tainted world. And that if the world thinks Christians are wrong, then there is a good chance we're right (Guilty).

Something Beautiful solidified it by showing a new way to look at the world, looking at something beautiful rather than something deformed.

As these songs were playing and afterward I thought about my life and what needed to change. I have quite a few holes in my spiritual walkway.

They fourth song that came on didn't have anything to do with the change, but it did show what really happened for me. Amazing Grace by Chris Tomlin came on and sang about how "I once was lost, but now am found".

I realized that I have really kind of been lost lately. Thank the Maker that I'm found again.

Now, I have decided to devote myself to a new path: becoming a warrior for Christ. I will have to pray deeply about it and start reading the Bible even more. I also know that it will be tough to stay on this path, but Lord willing I will do my best and continue to have such revelations as this one.

That's all I have to say right now.

Thanks for listening, and
May the Force (Lord) be with you all!

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