A Happier Story (part 1)

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Continued from A Question for Cody in GodismyDD's Ask Star Wars Characters book. If you haven't already, please go check out her book!

Today we have a special guest, GodismyDD! She is coming over to lighten the mood for her readers after a hilarious story got grim. Please enjoy!

SuperiorGhost: *Writes in a Stargate to allow passage for GodismyDD* Come on through!

GodismyDD: *comes in through the Stargate on a Unicorn* Hola!

SuperiorGhost: Hola!

Rinion Eraisuithon: Gi suilon! (I greet you)

Tirithiel Cundo: Suilad, mellon nin! (Greetings, my friend)

Unicorn and Gimli: Speak words that we can all understand! *glance at each other; obviously creeped out*

Rinion: Pedin i phith in aníron, a nin ú-cheniathagir! (I can say what I want, and ya'll won't understand me!)

Tirithiel: *laughs* No! (Yes)

SuperiorGhost: If it weren't for translators, I couldn't understand you two elves either.

GodismyDD: Same here! Only bits and pieces- and a few phrases here and there.

SuperiorGhost: That's odd, we're the authors and we can't understand our own characters.

GodismyDD: Hmm, that is odd.

Tenth Doctor: *appears* Yes, quite Ood. *disappears*

SuperiorGhost: We came here for a lightened mood. So let's go someplace where that is abundant. Perhaps Mos Eisley Cantina, or dare I say it, Cloud Cuckoo Land?

Unicorn: Hey! I know that place! Unikitty is my best friend!

Gimli: I don't like the sound of that... the Mos Eisley Cantina sounds better.

Tirithiel: Well of course you would think that.

SuperiorGhost: Batman from the Lego Movie would agree, but maybe not the Batman I prefer. But I'll leave the choice to GodismyDD.

GodismyDD: Now I know how Frodo felt when he had to choose Caradhras or Moria! Agh! Um... hmm... legos... Star Wars... legos... Star Wars...

Unicorn: Will you hurry up and make up your mind!?

GodismyDD: Uh... hmm... both sound interesting. But... I've never been to Cucko... whatever it was called...

Unicorn: Cloud Cuckoo Land!

GodismyDD: *shudders* Sounds so girly...

SuperiorGhost: It does kind of, doesn't it. There are several other choices in the realms of Lego Franchise!

GodismyDD: Indeed, there are! Hmm... can we go wherever Batman, Gandalf and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are? Because all of them in the exact same place would be fantastic!

SuperiorGhost: Sure, I'll write them in somewhere....*Takes out special keyboard with a different dimension on each key* What about, the Batcave?

GodismyDD: Oooh! Sure! Wait! Will we become legos too!?

SuperiorGhost: Unless you want to stick out!

GodismyDD: I wouldn't mind being lego... that'd be awesome! I could turn my head around!

SuperiorGhost: *Something bottled up deep inside suddenly bursts* Everything is awesome!...

GodismyDD: Everything is cool when you're part of a team!

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