I Don't Know You Anymore -Chapter 9

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[Alex's pov]

I continuously tapped the pen against the pad of paper. I know Jack said him and Rian could write the song, but in all honesty, I think they don't know how. Luckily for them, I've written some songs before, I don't keep them all, I'm a perfectionist. Meaning if something I write isn't perfect enough it gets crumpled up and joins the rest of the rejected work in the garbage can.

I couldn't concentrate on writing. I just laid in my bed thinking of those words Astrid said to me.

"Alex, no matter what, you never lay a hand on someone else. You were there before. Remember what happened after Tom?"

"Remember what happened after Tom?"


I blinked the tears out of my eyes. I've changed, and not in a good way. I'm doing exactly what happened to me to someone else. That sounded confusing. 


I walked through the chilled U.K air, slightly smiling to myself. It's been a good day so far. But if I knew my life well enough, I knew that would end. 

"Hey faggot!" A jock walked up to me. Everyone found out about my sexuality. Bi. Not gay, not straight, bisexual. I bit my lip in looked up. There stood 2 jocks. Travis and Chris. Chris had dirty blonde hair and glasses but yet he was cute. I'd had this crush on him since 4th grade. When I realized I liked boys, I thought something was wrong with me. I thought I was abnormal. Then people found out about it, and they think I'm abnormal. I'm not abnormal, just different. 

"Yes, Travis?" I sighed. Ready for the torture to begin. Since I came out to people about my sexuality they've made fun of me, beat me up, Chris even pretended to like me and date me just to crush me. It worked. My heart shattered and I never trusted anyone again. I distanced myself from people. 

Everyone started to beat on me after Tom died. They knew not to mess with me when he was here with us because Tom always protected me. He was the best big brother anyone could ever ask for. If one person was to say something out of the way to me, Tom would be right there to let them know they were out of line. When he passed away I had no one to protect me, no one cared enough to protect me. All of my friends left me, everyone but my cousin Astrid and our friend Rian that is. But other than that I was alone to be made fun of, and beat on. 

"Whatcha doin out here alone, gay boy?" Chris asked. 

"I have no one that would be near me. Thanks to you pricks." That was the first time I ever stuck up for myself. After those words left my mouth, I automatically regretted it. 

"Don't you fucking talk to us like that." Travis sneered and balled his fist up. I just stood there still, soon Tavis's fist slammed into my face and I fell backwards on the cold concrete I was once standing on. Chris and Travis started to kick me in the ribs, punch me, anything they could do to physically hurt me. 


[Astrid's pov]

Jack, Rian, Zack and I all sat in Jack's room goofing off when the door opened. We all looked at each other, clearly confused. Jack's mom was at work, she switched shifts, who opened the door? We all turned around to see Alex standing in the door way. I felt myself grow angrier just by his presence. 

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked, basically quoting him from earlier. Acting like he didn't know us. 

"Look, guys, I'm sor--"

"No, Alex, you made it clear that you don't want us to be friends. So just leave." I stated firmly, cutting him off. 

I saw Alex ball his fists up. I smirked to myself, I had got to him. I slowly ticked him off by what I had said. Not my problem. 

"What are you going to do?" I gestured to his fists. I saw his anger rise. "It's pathetic. You're just like Travis and Chris." I laughed without humor and shook my head. I turned back to my friends and we started to talk again. All of a sudden I was physically turned around and Alex punched me in the face. Usually when a girl purposely gets punched in the face by a guy they start to cry, not me I just let my own anger take over everything. The guys just sat there shocked and pissed off. Especially Zack and Rian. 

I stood up and spit the blood out of my mouth. I faced Alex. "You're going to Punch a girl now, Alex? Is that how pathetic you are? You know what I'm capable of." I gritted my teeth. Alex's anger faded as he soon realize what he'd done. 

"Astrid oh my--"

I didn't even listen to the rest of his sentence. I rose my fist up to his face and punched him in the face. After that I kicked him in the balls and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. I slammed him up against a wall and got in his face. "If you ever touch me again, I swear to god and everybody, I will fucking rip your dick off with a rake. Do you understand, Gaskarth?" I said calmly, but still holding the anger in my voice. 

He shook his head, unable to speak. "Good, now go play little Travis and little Chris, and get the fuck out of my face. I don't even know you anymore, and don't care to." I let go of his collar and pointed towards the door. He hung his head low and walked out of the room, with a scared expression on his face. I'm done with him, I no longer want to speak, see, or even hear of Alex fucking Gaskarth. 

I turned around and looked at the guys, surprised expressions on there faces. "Are you okay?" Zack whispered and walked up to me. He lightly brushed his thumb over the slowly forming bruise on my cheek. I blushed and looked into his deep Hazel colored eyes. He smiled at me and looked into my eyes. 

"I'm fine." I whispered back. God damn, his eyes are like heaven, you could easily get lost in them. 

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