"Let go of his hand," he laughs unamused.

"Why? You're not the boss of me. I can have a boyfriend if I want to," I say confidently.

"You're not even allowed a pet fish, let alone a boyfriend," Keira laughs, closing the principal's door.

"Guys, I think she's old enough to have a boyfriend," Jian suddenly says out of nowhere, standing next to Asher.

"SHUT UP!" Keira and Asher scream in unison, causing Jian to raise his hands up in mock-surrender.

"YOU'S SHUT UP!" I shout to them.

"YOU, SHUT UP," They both shout back.

"ALL OF YOU SHUT UP!!!" We all look at the very angry looking Principal, glaring at us," WHY AREN'T YOU ALL IN CLASS?" she seethes.

"We're talking- geez, can't you leave us al-ftd," Jian quickly covers Ash's mouth, causing Luis to chuckle to himself.

"We were discussing the dynamic of a times b, which in return causes the pillory to multiply. It ruins the whole eqution, because the vodka-terian won't be able to be divided," Keira smoothly explains- Well, says a bunch of words.

"Oh. Well then talk about that somewhere else," Mrs. Snowden says, walking into her office, slamming the door behind her.

"Isn't a Pillory a punishment thingy?" I ask, confused.

She shakes her head," No, that's Pillary," she says.

"Nope.. I'm pretty sure it's Pillory," Luis joins in.

"I'm pretty sure it's Pillory- shut up 5-head," Keira says, teasing Luis' slightly-large-forehead.

He quickly put's a hand to his forehead," It's not that big," he says, glaring at Keira's smiling figure.

"It's as obvious as Mr. Monzé's monobrow," she deadpans.

Luis and Keira start bickering, Ash and Jian start talking amongst themselves, and I'm standing there waiting until the school bell signals it's time for 5th period.


"Bye guys- I have a free," Jian says, when Keira raises her eyebrows.

I turn to Luis to see him already looking at me. We both smile to each other,"What do you have?" he asks.

"I have Music. Walk me?" I ask, my eyebrows raised.


"-Nope!" he's cut shortly, by Keira's voice. She quickly comes between us and slaps our hands apart," No touching!" she scolds, dragging me to my Music class.


Her phone suddenly signals that she received a text message. She takes it out of her pocket and reads the message.

"Asher's being nice," she laughs, showing the text message.


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