164 - We'll Do It Ourselves!

Start from the beginning

"I thought I'd find you here," my sister murmered.

"J...jacqy..." I managed to get out, looking at her.

"What are you doing? Wait... who is that?" she pointed to the boy hoistered against me, "Wait a minute, isn't that Xyder?!"

"Shhh! Quiet Jacqy! Keep your voice down!" I exclaimed.

"Dagan, what's going on?! There are all kinds of orders being sent out by the Regulus! Xyder is being painted as a criminal! Wait, were you the ones who saved him?!" she cried out.

I paused for a moment before responding, "Yeah... myself and some of the others."

"But... why?" she pressed, "You may have kind of liked Xyder as a person but to risk your own life?"

"It's... it's complicated. Things... happened," I told her, "I have to go."

"Wait! Let me help! I'm sure I can do something!" she stopped me.

"NO!" I shot back without hesitation, causing her to jump in fear.

"No...." I repeated more calmly, "I can't let you do that Jacqy. What we're doing is not only dangerous, it's also on the border of having us disowned or worse for betraying the clan. It's no stretch to say that if things go south, we will be branded as criminals. Don't ruin your life by joining this madness, Jacqy."

"But I-" she began to object.

"Jacqueline, trust me. I have this nagging feeling that a great change is coming to our clan for the better and Xyder will be the one at its core. It's my duty to make sure he's safe. Plus, I know how much you look up to Xyder and for that alone, I'll defend him to the last! You have my word," I promised.

"That's.... that's...." she struggled to find words before relenting, "Fine, I get it. Just make sure that all of you come back okay."

I glanced at her for a moment before nodding and escaping into the cover of night.

*A Few Months Ago, A Few Days After Xyder Raided The Zephyr Clan And Reclaimed His True Power At The Altar*

Dagan Zephyr - POV;

"Absolutely not!" I shouted.

"That's not fair!" Jacqueline squealed.

"It definitely is. There is no way I would ever let you do something so stupid!" I told her off.

"How is it stupid?! You guys are going right?! If anything, running away with Xyder a few weeks ago was the dumbest thing ever which makes you the stupid one!" she reasoned.

"That was only because-"

"Because what?!" she interrupted, "Last time you said I couldn't go because what you were doing was nigh treason so what's your reason now?! It isn't illegal so it should be fine!"

"It's too dangerous!"

"How?!" she countered, "I'm just going to watch!"

"No, you'd be going to Fenix City as a substitute!" I corrected.

"Officially, yeah, but the Epitomes are the ones who'll actually be doing the fighting so it doesn't really matter!" she insisted.

"It does, because if under any circumstances one of us cannot go on, you will have to fight and you're far too weak to do it!" I snapped.

She let out a low gasp and I could see that I'd hurt her with my crude remark. I regretted it almost immediately. I knew how much Jacqueline struggled with coming to terms with her lack of powers. Even though I said what I did without thinking, it was far too insensitive of me.

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