Heated | Aaron Judge

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Aaron was nothing but a sweetheart that day towards his girlfriend, Erika.

Whispering sweet nothings in her ear while they were at dinner, making dumb jokes and giving her pecks on the lips every chance he had.

That night they had gotten a little drunk at dinner, so the two decided to uber it home. "Aaron stop." Erika giggled as he rubbed his hand down her curves. "What?" He laughed, "you're just so beautiful. And you're all mine." Aaron smirked, following a drunken hiccup.

Aaron was always a bit flirty and touchy when drunk. "You can't wait till we get home Judge?" Erika giggled once more, shoving away his hand softly.

He frowned in response, "fine baby." Aaron took his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through Instagram. His flirty attitude now changed to a darker, pissed off manner.

"What's wrong babe?" Erika looked at him with concern.

Aaron shoved his phone in her lap, which had a picture of her and Jacoby cuddling. It was clearly photoshopped, but he was too wasted to notice.

"Don't" he hiccuped, "fucking talk to me." Aaron turned himself to face the window.

"Aaron seriously? It's photoshopped." Erika rolled her eyes, "you think I'd do that to you? Don't you trust me?" Her voice grew louder, until the driver turned around to ask if everything was okay.

Aaron remained silent the rest of the way, getting out of the car and slamming the door. He usually opened Erika's door; like the gentleman he was.

Not this time.

She got out now irritated with her boyfriend, "Aaron you're acting like a little kid." Erika walked into the house, kicking off her heels.

"Oh I'm acting like a kid?! Only kids cheat on their boyfriends with their fucking best friends!" Aaron's voice grew louder, which scared her due to his height.

Aaron would never hurt her, but drunk angry Aaron was on a whole different level.

"You're such a fucking whore! I don't know why I'm even with you. I could have anyone! ANYONE! I'm Aaron fucking Judge!" Aaron's voice shook the house.

A tear fell from her eyes as she went upstairs, ignoring his yells. Erika threw down some blankets and pillows for Aaron to sleep on the couch, then locked their shared bedroom door.

"Oh I'm sleeping on the couch?! I pay for this fucking house!" Aaron banged on the door, which caused a dent to form.

Erika ignored his comments, getting into bed hoping he'd calm down.

His scent lingered on the pillow, and she couldn't help but think of tonight's earlier events.

He was being such a sweetheart, now he's not even the man she fell in love with.

Morning finally came and Aaron was asleep by their door.

"Get up." She instructed him and brought him to the bed.

Sure, he was acting like an ass. But, that was still her man and Erika knew he'd be hungover.

"Babe.." Aaron croaked, "I'm sorry for last night. I was so shit-faced and just saying whatever the fuck I felt like.. I know you didn't cheat.. " he took an aspirin as Erika closed the curtains.

"Yeah well.." she sat on her side of the bed, "you made me feel so terrible Aaron. It scared me, bad. You know I had a problem with my ex hurting me and such.. then I thought you would too." Tears fell from her eyes, as Aaron wrapped his arms around her.

"I would never. I'm so sorry baby girl. I promise it'll never happen again." He gave her a kiss on the lips, his lips still tasting like alcohol.

Aaron kept his promise. That was all that mattered.

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