Are You Feeling Better, My Darling? | Andrew Benintendi

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All night Jennie was tossing and turning, much to her boyfriends dismay. She could tell he was getting a little annoyed with all the flipping around. Jennie couldn't help it though, she felt like shit. After what seemed like forever, Andrew finally turned to face her, "babe? Everything alright?" She coughed in response, "yes. Just not feeling too well." He frowned, placing his hand to his sick girlfriends forehead. "Aw babe you're burning up." She said something in response, which wasn't too understandable. Andrew got up, doing a light jog downstairs to grab her some medicine.
Once she was finally asleep in her boyfriends arms again, it was already 5am. Andrew talked out loud to himself, "thank god it's an off day.." Which made Jennie wake up again. Andrew frowned in response, "sorry baby. My fault. How about I go downstairs while you rest for a bit?" She nodded and turned away from him, going back to sleep with a slight snore from her stuffy nose.
Jennie didn't wake up till noon that day. She decided to go downstairs and see what her boy was up to. He smiled upon seeing her, "how ya feeling baby girl? I made you some soup. I'll go get you some. Do you want more medicine?" She nodded and smiled at him. Andrew was always such a sweetheart. "Andrew? Do you mind getting me a tissue please?" Jennie sneezed again and winced. "Dammit I hate being sick." He laughed, walking over with her soup and tissues. "But might I add that you look so cute sick? And I love that your hair is in that messy bun. Don't even get me started on you wearing my sweatshirt. You're so beautiful babe!" Jennie shook her head, "I look like a mess, Benintendi, and you know it" Andrew shook his head at her, "beautiful as always darling." He sat beside her on the couch, flipping the tv on. She rested her head on Andrew's chest. "You always take care of me babe, and I can't thank you enough for that" she said, drawing patters with her finger on his bare chest. Andrew hummed in response, playing with Jennie's hair, "of course I do. You're my girl. I have to make sure you're okay at all times Jen." She smiled and placed a kiss on his lips. "That's why I love you babe." He smiled, leaning in for a kiss again. She turned away, "Andrew no! You're going to get sick. And plus you have a game soon." He tried to kiss her again, "but babe c'mon. I really don't care. I want a kiss!" She finally gave in and kissed him softly. He smirked, "feel better darling?" She laughed in response and sneezed. "No not really honey."
"Bless you baby!"

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