You've Got to Hide Your Love Away | JD Martinez

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The year was now 1970, Halle had not seen or heard from JD for 5 years now

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The year was now 1970, Halle had not seen or heard from JD for 5 years now. Every time she thought about him, it broke her heart little by little. Sure, she was with George Harrison now, but no man compared to JD. George knew she wasn't happy with him. Every time he talked to her it seemed as if it was a struggle for Halle to respond. Which it was. As for JD, well that's another story.

JD Martinez the star of the Tigers. Brought them to a world series win when the whole team was in doubt in 1968. Halle had watched this game, so proud of how far he had come. She wanted to reach out to him, but there was just no way. Until she found herself where it all came to an end. Tiger Stadium. (Once again, I know it is now Comerica Park. But that wasn't until 2000)

Halle made her way around the stadium, praying she might just run into JD.

She did run into somebody though, it sure and the hell didn't look like Julio. He had long hair, with a sort of beard. The man was totally hippy status, and Halle almost found it hot.

"Oh shit. Sorry, Halle." JD looked into her eyes as Halle widened hers.

"JD? Oh my god you look so different. I didn't recognize you. I'm sorry." She frowned slightly as he leaned in for a hug. Halle took in the familiar scent of his cologne that now had a mix of weed lingering in it. "Ah, you smoke now? Quite a hippy now" she playfully punched his arm.

He shrugged, " thought you had a thing for them. How's that Beatle by the way?"

Halle sighed as she remembered her "boyfriend" at home. "Oh yeah, George. He's whatever I guess. I'm going to be honest with you. I've missed you so much." Halle twirled the end of her long hair as she bit her lip, looking to the ground.

JD didn't say a word, he kissed her. That was that.

Halle woke up from her dream. "What the actual fuck?" She turned to look at JD next to her on his phone. "Babe? Oh my god I just had the strangest dream. We were in the 60's and I left you for a guy in the Beatles?" She laughed as she rubbed her eyes.

JD laughed, pulling his girl closer to him. "Yeah that is quite strange." He linked his fingers with hers as he gave her a sweet peck on the lips. "Your morning breath is horrendous." Halle laughed, getting out of bed.

JD frowned, getting up and throwing a shirt on. "What? It doesn't smell minty?" He opened his mouth blowing air out at her. "Oh my god Julio Daniel!" Halle ran into the bathroom tossing a bottle of mouthwash at him. "See maybe I should go back to sleep at be with George." She smirked giving him a wink.

"You would never." He wrapped his arms around her. "You're my girl."

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