Puppies and a Princess | JD Martinez

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It was a usual day at work. Halle had no clue that her favorite baseball player would stroll right in. Sure, she's gotten celebrities in the past. But, never one that made her heart skip a beat. The previous day JD picked up his new puppy and let's face it.. the puppy was getting into things it wasn't supposed to and chewing up EVERYTHING.
"Hi.. My name is JD. I'm here to drop off my dog. Is anyone working?" He looked around seeing no one in sight. Suddenly Halle looks up from underneath the front desk giggling, holding an adorable puppy. "Hi! My name is Halle. Sorry I got a little caught up.." JD was speechless, he thought to himself "Damn.. she's so gorgeous." Halle looked at him for a quick minute and realized it was her all time favorite player. "Oh my gosh.. you're JD Martinez! Hi. How may I help you?"
About an hour later JD comes back to pick up his now sweet puppy. "Wow she's such a good girl now! I cannot thank you enough. Of course a beautiful girl like yourself would do an amazing job though." Halle blushed "It was no problem. Thank you for stopping by." JD smiled and handed her money to pay for the training with a note that had his number on it. "Call me sometime, babe" he winked and walked out, going to his car.
•Later That Night•
JD's phone went off.
New Text from Unknown Number
Halle: hi! This is Halle. I met you earlier today.
JD: hi beautiful 😊 I was waiting on you to text me.
JD changes Halle's contact name to "future princess 💕😍"
Halle: haha sorry. I was too nervous tbh.
JD: no need to be darling. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime? I'd love to get to know you.
Halle: sure! (Texts Address) if you want we can hang out right now. And bring that cute puppy of yours (;
JD: I'm on my way. See you soon love!
JD arrives at Halle's house with his puppy of course and a bouquet of her favorite flowers. "Hi JD! Come on in." Halle says with a warm smile. "Wow your house is beautiful. Oh! These are for you." He smiles sweetly and hands her the flowers. "Thank you. Make yourself comfortable." Halle blushes and goes to the kitchen to put the flowers in some water.
As the night progresses the two cuddle while watching a movie. Halle lays her head on JD's chest and falls asleep. JD smiles and whispers kissing her forehead "goodnight my princess."

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