Chapter 52- Nightmare Beach!

Start from the beginning

"I don't know," Kaoru grumpily said.

Tamaki and the Host Club left you alone.


You fell asleep on your beach chair, only to be woken up by sand going down your throat. You began to cough, and then someone flipped your beach chair over so you fell face first into the sand. You bolted upright. The three girls were bowling with laughter.

Hikaru and Kaoru sat up, "what the hell are you doing?!" They yelled in unison. You grabbed a towel and began wiping all the sand off of yourself.

The three girls began to fangirl, "AHHHH HOW HANDSOME!!!" They cried.

"Hmph," you pouted.

"(Y/N), let's just go home to our pool," Kaoru suggested.

"Yea..." you said disappointed.

You put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt over your sandy bathing suit. The three girls began to panic.

"Wait, Hikaru, Kaoru!!!" They cried.

Hikaru and Kaoru paused and then turned around.

You looked up at them and they looked very angry. They stormed towards the girls.

(The beach is empty now by the way)

Hikaru and Kaoru shoved the girls, making them fall backwards into the sand. The girls looked up at them worriedly.

"(Y/N)! Come here!" Kaoru yelled. You obeyed and stood in between Hikaru and Kaoru.

"This is our girlfriend, got it!?" Hikaru yelled and pulled you in for a kiss. The girls began to scream cry.

Kaoru yanked you away and began to make out with you. Their crying satisfied your ears. (muahahaha how evil).

The girls eventually ran away. The twins hugged you tightly and Kaoru picked you up bridal style and carried you back to the mansion.


You jumped into the pool. It felt amazing getting all the sand off of you.

"It feels amazing," you sighed. The twins looked at you and smiled sweetly.

"Hey (Y/N), wanna go down the slide with me?" Hikaru asked, grabbing your hand and helping you out of the pool.

"YES!" You squealed and hugged him around his waist. He picked you up and carried you up the many steps to the top. Once you were at the top you sat down and Hikaru back hugged you so you'd stay together. You went down the many turns and drops and then the slide let out at the bottom.

"Kaoru you come on with me this time!" You excitedly said, grabbing his hand and pulling him up the stairs. You went down with Kaoru the same way as you did with Hikaru.

And then you ALL went down together. Hikaru went in front and you back hugged him and then Kaoru went behind you and back hugged you, so you were in the middle.

You giggled the entire way down and then jumped around in the water like a child, "That was so fun!!!" You laughed.

The twins laughed at your childish behavior and tackled you under the water. You swam up and gasped for air, splashing them.


After an hour or so more of going down the slide and splashing around in the water, you were exhausted. You dried yourself off and walked into the mansion with Hikaru and Kaoru.

You went into the twins room and grabbed a pair of clothes to change into once you were finished showering.

"Hey (Y/N), can we help you shower?" The twins asked in unison, smirking.

"Hmmmmm..." You thought for a second, "Not yet! Maybe next time," you winked at them and ran into the bathroom. You locked the door behind you.

When your were done showering you changed and blow-dried your hair. You left the bathroom hurriedly. The twins sat on the bed patiently waiting your return.

"Want to go out for dinner?" Hikaru asked, standing up and walking over to you, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear and smiling at you sweetly.

"Sure!" You laughed and hugged him,"I've had so much fun with you guys today," you sighed.

"The day isn't over! Come on let's get something to eat!" Kaoru said, carrying you down the hall and out of the mansion. He set you down and you all walked to Anteiku, your favorite cafe.


You finished your delicious dinner and walked back to the mansion. The twins held your hands, and you all stared at the sunset.

"We love you (Y/N)," The twins said in unison.

"I love you guys too," you laughed.

Once you got back to the mansion you changed into your nightgown. Hikaru picked you up by your waist and set you onto his lap and you feel asleep in his chest.

Goalsgoalsgoals xxx


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