Prisoner (2)

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I lay on this cold metal bed frame as I stared up at the ceiling.

How long was I going to be here?

I have to find a way to escape.

Bending the bars won't work, they have an electric charge to them. If I were to touch them again, I'd be zapped and probably go into some sort of phase.

"What do you plan to use me for?" I asked.

"Like I said, small experiments," Wilfred answered, "But I don't really need you... For now. But when I do, don't try to go and run away. Once your my prisoner, you're my prisoner forever."

"I will find a way out of here, then I'm gonna kill you."

"Haha, look at you. Trying to act so tough and brave."

"Trying? I'm not even trying, Warfstache."

"Admit it, Dark. You're too soft."

"What... No! I'm not soft!"

"Oh really now? Say if I were to find your human wife, you wouldn't save her."

"You know damn well if you get your hands on her or our daughter, I'll repaint that stupid mustache of yours with your own blood!"

"You? A father?"

"Of course. I know it was an old demon friend that caused Sarah to get pregnant..."

"And yet here you are now. Trying to be a caring and loving demon dad."

"Of course, I love my daughter very much. She's the only living life form that's both human and demon."

"You do know that demons can't marry humans."

"I married Sarah, whether she was demon or not, I married her..."


"Sarah, it's been only a month since Anti and I have found you in the woods while trying to run away. You showed us your tragic past, we helped you in many ways to keep you safe from the dangers and to help heal you up."

"I know, you were taking care of me."

"But then with that one day, the day where you were bleeding to death with the upside-down cross. I didn't want to let go of you, just holding you felt so comforting. I had your backpack when we went back home, just like how you were holding onto some of your memories."

"I thought you would leave it behind."

"That's not the point."

"What matters is that we want to stay with you... I want to stay with you. You are important and valuable to me like a beautiful gem. Even when you felt like nothing, you were something to me."

"Sarah, will you marry me?"

"Yes! I would love to marry you, Darkiplier!"

(end of flashback)

"And just seeing her in that beautiful black wedding dress, she looked so beautiful..."

I sighed out loud and placed my arms on my torso, picturing how she looked.

"I bet she was beautiful," Wilfred said.

"She was..."

"Look, I'd love to continue our conversation, but I have something to take care of. Don't even try to break out here, it's not worth it."

Then he walked away, leaving me alone in this prison.

I was his prisoner.

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now