I Have The Urge To Kill You

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I felt the adrenaline rush through my mind and body.

I had the strong urge to kill someone.

I climbed out bed and from Darkiplier's arms. I grabbed a dry pair of pants, put them on, as well as my shoes, pocket knife, phone and the key to the house.

I jumped out the window and flew through the sky, looking for Sebastian's house. I'm going to pay for what he said about my parents.

I found that black haired kid, through his bedroom window.

I stopped and set myself on top of a telephone pole and watched him.

How am I going to kill him?

Wait, I recognize that house. Where have I seen it before?

Before I answered to my own question, I saw Mimi walk in and started to talk with Sebastian.

I was so fucking confused.

"Just go back home and get some more sleep."

"After what he said about my parents? No thank you! I'm gonna kill him! I just need to figure out how without hurting my friend."

"She needs to see him die. Once he's dead, kill her too."

A laugh was heard and then this dark pink creature appeared next to me. Only it was just a silhouette of me, it's eyes and mouth were glowing white and its wings were like Anti's, only they were glowing pink.

"Who are you," I asked.

"That doesn't matter," it answered.

"Why are-"


It disappeared and then went inside of me, trying to take control of my mind.




I was shaking my head back and froth while hiding my face with my hands.

Then out of no where, a flash of lightning appeared in the sky. I lost balance of where I was standing, I fell down really fast to the pavement and knocked my head on the edge of the sidewalk.

For a few seconds, nothing happened, I opened up my eyes as I held my head with my left hand and stayed sitting on the ground.

I noticed that there was a faint pink glow on my other hand. I also noticed that I had glowing pink claws, a glowing pink slim tail with an arrow at the end.

Then I felt something grow out both sides of my head, I felt what these things were that were poking out of my head.

"Wait, horns?"

"You look even more beautiful than I imagined."

"Wait, what am I?"

"The Devil within. You are now under my control, you will listen to my commands."

"No! No! Get out of my head!"

"Okay, I'll get out."

"Thank you."

"BUT... Only if you do this one simple request."

"And what is that request?"

"The spirits of Sebastian and Mimi."

I felt an unnatural force move my hand to reach over and grab my pocket knife. I picked it up and flipped it open with the blade showing.

"Take this virgin blade of yours and bathe it in their blood. Once I get their spirits, I'll leave you alone."

"Are you sure you'll leave me alone? Forever?"

"Of course, my dear."

(Mimi's Perspective)
(haha! Betcha didn't see that coming)

"Sebastian," I asked, "What did you do?"

"I did absolutely nothing," he answered in a low voice.

"I heard this fight that was going on before class started, who was involved in it?"

"Why do you ask so many ridiculous questions?"

"Just answer the God damn question."

"Fine, your 'friend' was involved with it and so was I."

"You killed her?"

"Yes I killed her!"

He pulled out his butterfly knife and showed the blade.

As soon as the blade was shown, the lights went out and it started raining outside. Then a knock was heard over by the rain.

"I'll check it out," Sebastian said as he got up from his swivel chair and left our bedroom.

The only scary thing about living out in the middle of nowhere is that there's not a lot of people and not a lot of buildings as well.

At first, nothing happened.

Then Sebastian screamed at the top of his lungs and a loud thud was heard.

I was so scared to go down and see what was going on.

After a few minutes, I built up a little courage and grabbed my phone to use as a flashlight.

I crept out of the bedroom and slowly went downstairs to investigate what was going on.


"Mimi... Get out of here...  Grab Dad's handgun... And run... Just run..."

I saw him laying on the floor on his belly over by the dining room. He was covered in blood and there were cuts on his arms and hands.

I walked down the stairs and slowly went over to him. As I was about to grab him, something got him by the legs and was pulled back into darkness.

I screamed in horror and I watched him get pulled back. He screamed,


"Not after what you said about my parents..."

I listened to what Sebastian said earlier and ran to Mom & Dad's bedroom. Then the thing that was talking to him must've been following me. I quickly slammed the door shut, locked it and started scattering around the room looking for Dad's pistol.

The bedroom door started banging, some of the wood began to fall off and a small hole was being made.

Luckily, I found my Dad's nine millimeter and leaned against the wall where the door was. More pieces of wood broke off and then the head of an ax was shown. Then a face was shown through the hole.

The face was Sarah's, but something about her wasn't right...

Her eyes were neon pink and glowing pink horns were shown from her head.

"Heeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrres Saraaaaaaaaaah," she said while twitching her left eye.

(Guess which movie that was from)(That last paragraph)

I screamed, held the gun close to me and pointed it at her.

"Sarah! Stop this! This isn't funny," I begged.

She broke the door down and just looked at me as she held the ax in her hands. It was covered in blood, no, Sebastian's blood. She laughed and smiled as she spoke,

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