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I woke up and then I realized I was in a hospital. In a hospital gown, in a bed, an IV hooked up to me, a blood transfusion was also hooked up and a new bandage was around my left arm.

"Dark? Anti?"

I wanted to get out of bed, but I needed to stay where I was at and rest.

My stomach was flat again, after I had given birth.

"On my gosh," Dark said.

"Dark? Am I dead," I asked.

"No, you're still alive. I thought you were dead again."

"What happened? Where's Anti?"

"You must've passed out as soon as we took care of the baby. A park ranger saw us when he was walking around. He called for a rescue helicopter and it came in only five minutes."

"What about the baby? I heard Anti say something about it being a girl."

"Yes, it actually is a girl."

I saw Anti in a corner of the room with the baby in his arms, he came up to me and showed it to me.

"What is it's name," I asked.

"We told the doctor that it would be best for you to name," Anti answered.

"Really? That's nice of you guys..."

"What do you want her name to be?"

"I've wanted her name to be... Lucy."

"That's perfect. I like that name."

"Do you wanna hold her?"

"Actually, yes."

I reached out for it, I can't believe this is actually happening...

I held it close to chest and looked at it.

"Hi there Lucy," I softly said, "Welcome to the world, little Lucy."

I felt so happy, but yet I felt sad at the same time.

If only Mama & Papa were to see this.

I started to cry, something about this moment felt... Special.

There's no other way to describe this moment but special.

"I promise to keep you safe from the danger... I will always love you, my sweet little girl."

(the next day)

I was back at school, everything felt normal again. I think.

I know that I was supposed to be back at home, taking care of my newborn daughter, but I had to go back so I can graduate.

I was sitting at the back of the classroom, with my notebook and pencil out. I started to draw out a small picture of me, Dark and Anti all together, while holding Lucy in our arms.

It was a school rule if anyone were to ever have a child, you would be expelled.

I can't let anyone know about this.

I almost died again while giving birth, but I managed to survive. With Dark and Anti by my side. All of us, together.

"Hi there Sarah," Mimi said as she sat down to me.

"Oh, hi there," I replied.

"What are you drawing?"

I ripped the paper out of my notebook, folded it up and put it in my pocket.


"Besides, where were you after the whole fight?"

"Oh... That... I don't want to talk about it..."

"I understand. Sebastian is my older brother, he can be violent and homicidal at times."

"He tried to kill me... As soon as I was cut loose, I just ran and flew for it."


"Never mind, the important thing was that I was able to get out and back to them safe and sound..."

"You won't have to worry about Sebastian for a long time. As soon as you left, someone called the police and they arrested him. Won't be coming back for the rest of the school year..."

I saw a small tear roll down her cheek, some of it had to be from her mascara and black eyeliner.

"Before he was all mean and violent, he was always telling jokes and he would make everyone laugh... But ever since the day he had to go to the hospital, all I know was that he wasn't the same Sebastian that I knew..."

"I'm sorry... I didn't know that all happened to you. I really am sorry, I know what it's like to lose someone important... I've never had any siblings before, not until I was... Adopted..."

"Do you want to talk about this somewhere else? You look like you're about to cry."

"I'm fine."

"I never said this to anyone before but... You are the most caring person I've ever met..."


My words were cut off as Mimi hugged me and held onto me. I can hear her crying and shaking, I felt so horrible about her.

"You've been the only real friend I've had out of all of everyone here at Lily Creek High," she said.

"You have too," I told her.

I rubbed her back and held her.

"Hey," I said, "I got an idea."

"What's that," Mimi asked.

"I say we should start a club. It'll be for anyone whose had any problems or any tragic parts in their lives, kind of like the Suicide Hotline, but instead with kids here at the school."

"That's... Actually a pretty good idea. Let's do it."


"Are you going to be okay," I asked.

"I'll be fine," Mimi answered, wiping some of the running eyeliner and mascara, "I'm sorry if I made a mess on your shirt."

"It's okay. It'll wash off at some point."

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now