Dance Like No Ones Watching

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I didn't feel as tired as I thought I would.

I got out of bed, put on some clothes that I could find, put on my shoes, went outside and climbed up on the rooftop. As I got up there, I saw that Anti was on the roof as well, looking up at the sky.

"Hi Anti," I said.

"Hey," he replied.

"What's up?"

"I can't sleep because of my nightmares... I can't really sleep well unless I just... Have something with..."

"What's the thing you need?"

"Actually, its more of a want than need."

I sat down next to him and looked at him.

"Besides, the thing is actually a someone."

"Who is it that you want?"

"Obviously, it's you."

"Why me?"

"I'm just super jealous of you and Dark being together, and how he's always with you instead of me. Again, it's just my feelings within me getting me feel like this with you. How I want to hold you in my arms, how I want to feel your kiss... And how much I wanna kiss you as well..."

"I understand that you feel this way for me, Anti. I kinda feel the same as well. Even if I'm already in love with someone else."

He looked at me in my eyes, slowly leaning in towards me, held my hand and kissed it.

"I want to treat you like your someone special," Anti told me, "And to treat you with love and respect."

He grabbed my face and kissed me. A soft, gentle and sweet kiss. I let the kiss flow through and electrify me.

I kinda lost it and pushed Anti down and kept on kissing him.

The kisses, again, were not rough or forceful, but just soft, simple and sweet.

I had to stop myself because I don't want to get carried away with it. I just got back up and sat there thinking,

"What am I even doing?"

Anti sat up as well and rubbed the back of his neck.

"This is a little awkward," I said.

"I kinda agree," he added, "but I liked it."

"Why were you really banned from Hell?"

"Again, it's because of that stupid fight and being humiliated by the other demons... I didn't even want to be there in the first place, I'd rather be up here and just explore the world."

"I'm sorry, but why? Aren't demons supposed to like being down in there?"

"A majority of all demons do like being down there, only a small amount prefer to be up here. And by small amount, I mean just me."

"Have you ever danced before?"

"I don't think so... How do people dance?"

"Well, there are lots of ways people like to dance."

I also realized that I had my phone in my pocket.

I pulled it out, turned on some music that makes you dance and set it down.

"Everyone likes to dance in whatever way they're comfortable with," I said, "There is no right way or wrong way to dance. You can dance however you want to dance."

I raised my hands in the air, quickly brought them down and moved my shoulders back and forth. Letting the rhythm of the music take over me.

(Anti's Perspective)


I never knew how amazing she was at dancing.

I got up on my feet are danced along with her.

The music changed to a different song.

I took her hand, held it up, spun her around and pulled her back to me.

"I know the perfect place where we can dance," I said.

"Where," she asked.

"Well, I need you to do something with me. But we're going to need to go through the big city first."

"I don't know if I can fly for that long."

"Of course you can. Just hold my hand and fly with me."


I showed my wings, she did the same. We jumped up high in the air and flew out to the city.

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now