The Safe Place

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(Sarah's Perspective)

I woke up in an open field full of flowers and long grass, just like in my one dream.

I stood up and looked at the sky. Stars were shining and the moon glowed, there were a few clouds, but not a lot of them.

"Dark? Anti? Where are you?"

But there was nothing, no one.

I saw that I was in a white flowing dress, vines grew on the skirt part and small flowers of all different colors blossomed.

A big willow tree was in the distance, as well as a small house with a small pond.

"Maybe they're over there."

I slowly walked over to the tree, some of it began to sparkle with many colors.

I reached out for it and a memory came from the tree. I held it and watched it.

It was when Dark, Anti and I were in the ocean, splashing around, laughing and having fun.

["Haha! Stop already!"

"I won't until you say I win."

Anti picked me up and spun us around.

"I love you guys very much."

"We love you too, Sarah."

They both kissed my cheeks and smiled.

"This has been the best day of my life."]

I watched it over and over again, thinking about Dark & Anti.

Sadness was drawn over me and I realized where I was.

"Dark... Anti..."

The memory started to turn blue and everything around was all different shades of blue.

I wanted to cry, but it felt like I ran out of tears.

I sat down on my knees and hugged that memory, holding it close me.

"How rare... And b-beautiful it is... T-To even e-exist... I couldn't help but ask... For y-you to say it all again... I-I tried to write it down... B-But I could n-never find a pen..."

"I'd give anything to hear... You say it one m-more time... That the universe was made, to be seen... By my eyes..."

A small tear rolled down my cheek and dropped down on my hand.

"Shhh, it's okay. I'm here for you."

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and softly hugged me. Then a pair of wings were also wrapped around me.

"I'm here for you, child. I will watch over you and take care of you."

I looked to see who was hugging me. It was Lightiplier, the angel Dark told me about. I immediately hugged him back as more tears ran down my cheeks.

"Thank you," I said.

"Of course," he replied, "I'm always here for you."

"W-Where am I? Where's Dark & Anti?"

"Shh, easy now. You're here."

"But where is here?"

"The safe place, this is where you live."

"But I wanna go home."

"You are home."

"No, I mean with my guardian demons."

"They're going back to tell everyone that you're gone."

"Wait... I'm not... Alive... Anymore?"

"I'm afraid so."

"No... No! NO!!!"

I ran and tried to fly away, but my wings didn't unfold and I fell on my face.


I got up again. But as I was about to run again, I was grabbed and held back by Light.

"No! Stop," I screamed, "I have to go back! Please! I want Dark and Anti! I want to see them again!"

"No," he said, "You can't go back there by yourself! Not until the time is right!"

"But I have to! I don't want to be here! I wanna be alive again! I want to be with them again..."

I struggled myself out of Light's arms and try to run. I wanna get out of this place, anywhere but here...

But I still couldn't run, I was mentally held back...

I want to run, but I can't. Something has to be holding me back.

"Please let me go back," I said as I looked down.

"Sarah," Light spoke, "I know you want to go back, but you can't right now. You need to wait until the time is right."

"I just... I wanna be in their arms again."

"You have my arms to be in."

I sobbed and hugged myself, my bright pink wings unfolded and they wrapped around me.

"I will see you again," I whispered.

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now