No Time

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(Sarah's Perspective)

God damn it, what is it with me and these dreams?

I got out of bed and went to look at myself in the mirror in the bathroom.

"Hello there my sweetheart~."

I turned myself around and expected for Shadow to appear behind me, but there was nothing.

"Show yourself you monster," I said.

"But sweetheart, I'm not a monster," he replied.

He appeared and tied a black ribbon around my neck. Then a leash was clipped on the same ribbon and he glared in my eyes.

"I'm not going to be your bride," I growled.

I pulled on the ribbon, trying to untie it, but Shadow yanked the leash over towards him which sent me flying over to him.

"Of course you will be," he said in a deep voice.

"Why me? Out of all the girls in the world, why me?"

"Because I'm into you. As well as your smaller human."

"Don't you fucking dare lay a finger on Lucy! Even though I was raped by Morduk, I'm not going to let her be put in danger by you or any of your demon friends!"

"But what you don't know is that she is half human half demon!"

"I know that she already was!"

"Well... When the time has come for you to fight against me, instead of being the winner's slave, I want your small human."

"Touch her and I'll cut your hands off! I'm not going to let you have her!"

"Aww, how sweet of you..."

I was able to back away from Shadow, but he just followed me while still holding the leash.

"I'm warning you. Try to escape from this fight, I'll have you as well," he whispered in my ear.

At this point, I was about to panic and scream. Call and scream for Dark or Anti...

"I've tortured and killed many girls like you," he said, "But I'm still debating whether I should kill you or not... You still have two days to prepare for our fight."

"I will win," I said, "And I will not be your bride!"

"We'll see about that, sweetheart~."

Then he vanished into the air, as well as the ribbon around my neck and the leash that was attached to it.

"Holy crap, how tight did he tie that ribbon around my neck? No wonder why I wasn't able to speak as clear..."

I coughed as I gently rubbed my neck.


Now I know what it's like to be treated like an animal...

Anti came through the door and saw me on the floor.

"Oh my God," he exclaimed, "Sarah! What happened? Are you okay?"

"Shadow... Plier," I try to say, "Had me on a leash and told me another threat... He wants me and Lucy if I lose..."

"We need to tell about this to Dark. He has to know."

"No! No..."

I got back up on my feet, my neck was slowly starting to get better, but it's going to leave a mark.

"It scares me how Dark fights back. I know he's trying to protect me, but just with how he does it... It scares me..."

"I say we should try to prepare you for fighting against Shadowplier, as well as your abilities."

"But I don't have much time, I only have two days until I fight him. He even said to invite my whole school to watch as well..."

"Then we'll have to practice as much as we can."

"By the way, where's Darkiplier right now?"

"The last time I saw him, he said that he was looking for you."

"What? But he was asleep with me when before I got attacked. How has your sleep paralysis been?"

"It's still getting worse. Although I did manage to get a good eight hours, twenty four minutes and forty five seconds of sleep. I think it was because I slept in a big cooler full of ice, usually it's what would wake me up, but it made me fall asleep instead."

"No wonder why I heard snoring when I left the gas station."

"Anyway, let's get you prepped up."

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now