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(Dark's Perspective)

Anti & I flew through the night sky back to Sarah's home town.

I kept her backpack with me, if she come back and to have something to make me think about her.

"For fuck sake Dark," Anti told me, "She's not coming back! Forget about it already."


I flew away from Anti and went to a rooftop of an office building. I hugged that backpack close to me as if were actually her, I cried with blood tears and thought of the fun and happy memories the three of us have had.

"I'm sorry... We let you down, Sarah... I... Let you down..."

My emotions were all a mess right now that I didn't know what I felt.

"D-Dark," I heard Anti say, "I... Never meant to get mad at you like that... My emotions are a mess as well and... I miss her too."

He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me as he cried.

"But at least you got me," he spoke, "And we have each other because yer my best friend, Darkiplier. Please don't hide your feelings, like me and express them."

"I shouldn't have got mad at you as well," I replied, "I should've let you be you and not be a mean, tough demon towards you in the first place."

I hugged him back and held him tightly.

Holy crap, I've never been so emotional before until now.

"We have to continue going back."

"But it's still a long way to go!"

"Not if we do this."

I still hugged him and I made us appear back in the woods where the house was burnt down.

"Everything is just gone," Anti said as he looked, "Every last bit of it."

"Yes... Yes it has..."

"Wait. What about her picture? The one of her and her Mama & Papa?"

"She'd be heart broken if it were burned in the fire..."

There were big chunks of the house that was collapsed within the fire, even some of the roof!

"Please don't have it burnt up, please don't have it burnt up, please don't have it burnt up..."

I picked up some of the larger pieces of the burnt house and moved them out of the way, wiping off the ashes and inhaling charcoal dust at the same time.

I found a small table that was covered in a lot of charcoal dust. The palms of my hands were completely black as all of the dust was brushed off.

Surprisingly, it wasn't as burnt compared to everything else.

"It's locked? That's weird, there's no lock on the drawer. Is there any chance I could try to open it?"

"Uhm, Dark?"

"Yeah Anti?"

"There's something that I think you need to see."

"Not now, Anti. I'm trying to figure out how to get this thing open."

"But this thing is a guy!"

"Hold on, I'm coming over."

I picked up the small dresser and carried it over my shoulder, then I went over to where Anti was and set the dresser down again on the ground.

"Isn't that the guy I purposely left behind," I asked.

"Yeah but now he looks like he's been marked," Anti answered, "Just like how Sarah was."

"On the chest and stomach. An upside down cross. It has to be Shadowplier."

"She called him the man who she thought was her father. Is this really the same guy?"

I saw something that was poking out of a pile of rubble, it was metal, but I moved the wood planks and stones out of the way and the thing was a shotgun.

"It's definitely the guy," I answered as I picked up the gun.

"Yep," Anti replied, "That's the same shotgun I saw him hold as he was about to shoot..."

"Surprisingly, it's still has two barrels loaded in and the gun didn't burnt up."

"Wait... What about his spirit? Where is it now?"

"Hell... In Hell... With Lucifer and the other demons..."

"But we still have to be on the look out for Shadow or any of his shadow minions. I say we shall give this body a proper burial and continue going through this pile of rubbish."

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now