My Mommy and Daddies

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After the ceremony and celebration of our marriage, everything was back to normal.

But now this weekend was the perfect time for me to spend time with Lucy.

So far, none of my classmates know about this, which of course is a good thing.

Even though the father for her is Morduk, we just decided to go with Dark for the father.

I just held her in my arms and looked at her.

"I'm so glad that you're okay," I said, "He said that you were half demon half human. What kind of abilities do you have?"

"We don't know yet," Anti said, "She's still very young, but I did notice one thing."

"What's that?"

"When you were gone, she hasn't made any noise. Nothing."

"No noise?"

"When she cries, there's no sound. When she laughs, no noise. Lucy has to be under some sort of curse or something..."

"Has Dark noticed?"

"Yes. I think we have to do something to have her make noise, but personally, I don't want to risk hurting Lucy. We're going to need to make a permanent solution."

"What do we have to do?"

"This is going to be scary, but there we need to perform... Something..."

"No. No no no no no no no no no, anything but that. There has to be another way."

"The only other way is to have a special object with her at all times. Besides, I also noticed she's been crying a lot. When you and Dark were gone, I was able to hear some sound from her."

"What kind of sound?"

"Well, crying. That's the only thing I was able to hear from her."

As soon as Anti said that, Lucy whimpered in her sleep and then cried.

"Shh, it's okay," I whispered, "You're okay, sweetie. Mommy's here. Shh."

She flailed her arms in the air while still crying. I rocked her in my arms slowly, but she wouldn't stop.

"Here," Dark said, "Let me try."

I handed Lucy to Dark, he held her in his arms and rocked her. She stopped crying, but she still whimpered a little, she put her little fists by her cheeks and opened her eyes.

I looked at her eyes, one of them was red like Darkiplier's and the other one was brown.

"Are her eyes like that all the time," I asked.

"I don't know," Dark answered, "I've never seen her eyes open before until now. Anti?"

"It was always like that," Anti said, "Although I don't know if it's a bad thing or not."

"But why brown and red?"

"I know for the red eye it would have to be from Morduk, but no clue why for brown. You don't have brown eyes, yers are hazel."

"Well, my mother had brown eyes. Maybe it could be that."

"Just as long as no one else judges her, that's what matters."

"And as long as we take good care of her, just like how Mama and Papa took care of me..."

But now I felt sad, because they aren't here to see Lucy.

I just turned around with my arms crossed and a few tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Sarah," Anti asked, "Is everything okay?"

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now