Home Run And Punch!

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"Wow," our teacher said, "You two get an a plus!"

"Wait what," I asked.

"You were able to prove that these two characters are actually real and also to present one of them as well. Excellent job you two!"

The classroom started clapping like crazy and cheered for us.

I was totally shocked about this. I mean, seriously, I was speechless!

I just smiled and took a small bow. Mimi and Anti also bowed with me.

(at gym class)

I went to the girls locker room and changed into my gym clothes.

"Hey," I heard another girl say, "Are you the one who gave that presentation in Mr. Ursula's English class?"

I turned around and looked at her.

"Uhm... Yes," I answered, "Why do you ask?"

"I thought that it was pretty cool how real they were," she replied, "Especially how Antisepticeye was there as well."

"Oh, thank you."

"My name is Evelyn, by the way."

"I'm Sarah."

We left the locker room and head to the gymnasium. Most of the other students were already in there, Evelyn & I sat down over on the small row of bleachers and talked.

"So I heard about this rumor the other day that Zack was brutally murdered and shoved in Jamie's gym locker," she said, "I wasn't there that day though. Is it true?"

"What's true," I asked.

"Zack being killed and put in Jamie's locker? Were you there when that happened?"

"Yes, I just don't know who would want to kill him or why. But then the school started to lock all of the doors for no reason, I was able to get through the emergency fire exit with my stuff."

"What was happening that made the school do that?"

"They said that there was a threat in the building. A man, with long black hair and ripped jeans appeared to me and..."

"Go on, I'm listening."

"I'd rather not talk about it. It's kinda personal..."

"I understand that if you don't want to talk about it. I'm like that at times as well."

The whistle blew and our gym teacher showed up.

"Come on down ladies," he said, "We're about to start."

We hopped down and stood with everyone else.

"Today we will be playing a few games of baseball outdoors. Olivia and Preston, you will be the captains for your teams. Pick out who you want on your team."

After about three minutes of picking out teams, I was the only one left.

"I want her to be on my team," Preston said.

"No," Olivia argued, "She's going to be on my team."

"No! I said it first!"

He grabbed my arm and pulled me to his team.

"That's what you said last time, Preston."

Olivia grabbed my other arm and pulled me over to her team. Preston still had my left arm.

"She's mine, Olivia! Deal with it, you twat!"

(that last sentence tho.)(All I have to say is go to YouTube and type in "you're a wizard Harry")

"No, she's mine!"

"No, she will be mine!"




All I kept on thinking was,

"And here I thought only one of you would pick me and just acting like a pair of twins."

"Stop! Stop it," our gym teacher said, trying to break up the small fight, "You can't hit each other like that! That's my job!"

"Actually it's my job," Ryan said as he punched Preston in the face.

The next thing you know, the entire class was fighting with each other.

All of this just to play tug of war with me?

I swear, this school has some crazy people.

Evelyn and I were the only ones who weren't fighting. We just sat up on the bleachers again and watched the fight.

"How long has this fight been going on," she asked.

"I say about as long as I've been living," I answered sarcastically.

"Ha ha, very funny. But for real, seriously?"

"Twelve minutes."

"This school has some problems for sure. If only we could set an alarm off to scare the crap out of everyone."

I looked up at the ceiling of the gym. There were water sprinklers hanging above everyone.

"Hold on," I said, "I'll be right back."

I went down the bleachers all the way to the gym floor and went over to the emergency switch for the sprinklers.

"This should be able to break up the fight," I thought.

I pushed the switch down all the way.

In a flash, I went back to Evelyn and sat down next to her again.

"That was fast," she said.

The emergency fire bell began to ring, everyone stopped and looked up. Then the sprinklers were turned on and everyone started to get wet.

Well, not me and Evelyn. I had my wings out and had us covered from the water.

Everyone below us screamed and ran around the gym like headless chickens.

Evelyn and I were laughing but happy at the same time.

A New Life With Demons {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now